I forgot to do an update so I’m doing one now.

I 27(F) have a wife who I’ve been with for 11 years. We let her brother stay with us a couple months ago, and he was a horrible house guest. He shit on our toilet seat, he left piles of nasty dishes in the kitchen sink. He left rotten food in the floor of the guest room we let him stay in. His room reeked of rotten garbage. He left boogers on the walls. The bed and floor was stained with grease. He made the room unlivable. He lived with us for three weeks . So a couple months ago after we threw out my wife’s brother, my wife’s parents told us how selfish we were. That we should help family. I told them thanks for offering her brother a place to stay. The next week after we kicked her brother out, we hired a professional cleaning team to clean up the bathroom, his guest room and the rest of the home. The day we got the cleaning bill, my wife and I sent the cleaning bill to our parents since they complained. AITAH?

Edit: The brother is a 25 year old man. I meant to type 25 not 29!