What did Hair Hitler say just before his presidency ' Why does anyone take the 5th unless they are guilty.

Someone needs to introduce Mango boy to the Elvis breakfast - 10 fried eggs, a pound of bacon, with a side glass of bacon grease. Every morning.

Correction - Liberace if he was 350 pounds and drove around on one of those disable's scooters.

According to Magma er, Maga, the Earth is flat and motionless and the centre of not just the solar system, but the universe [if they even believe in our solar system, galaxies, and the universe]

Husband has an easy choice as far as I am concerned Supposed friend who allows animals to die because he can't assume easy adult responsibility vs wife who was trashed by his supposed best friend and ex-best friend to wife.

|They all think I am a complete asshole for airing private family business in public. And that I am putting money ahead of family|

The parents and brother are a bunch of hypocrites. The parents put money ahead of family when they stole the two daughter's money and used it to finance the brother's wedding. The brother is just as bad. He could have stopped this and said to the parents 'no' it is our sister's money. But he didn't.

|My brother called me up and offered to pay for my university if I drop the lawsuit. I agreed as long as we had a legally binding contract. He said I was being an asshole for not trusting him.|

What reason did OOP have for trusting any of these scoundrels. His parents stole from her and her brother was complicit.

OOP: Oh yeah, I am going to trust your word after you ripped me off. The only reason that you are pretending to care is the community is aware of your theft and you are shamed.

|For those of you that think it is sexist that my great aunt only cared about educating women, please die angry.|

I think great aunt is awesome. I could kind of die happy knowing she cared about educating the women in her family.

Genius wasn't even wearing a helmet. I find a lot of these people that sustain serious brain injuries on bikes are those that don't wear helmets and take stupid chances. With automobiles, they don't find it necessary to wear a seat belt, drive faster than their capability, and are thrown from the vehicle, through a window.

Darwin award recipients.

He's a Kennedy. They stick their dick in whomever they want, when ever they want.

Your husband should have never let this get to the point where you are use to it. He should have shut it down with her first insult and had a 'coming to Jesus' moment with her. Even though your MIL is a POS, this is a husband problem. HE should have shut this down immediately; HE should have read her the riot act; He should have thrown her out. This is HIS mother.

You and your husband are the concentric family now, and MIL is not in that circle. I would hazard to guess your husband's behaviour of acquiescing to his mother didn't just begin after you and your husband married. I would bet he has been letting you down and get abused very soon after the two of you started dating. He has been a milquetoast, deferring to the satanic MIL, from the beginning.

If he is 27 y.o. and like this, he has been like this for almost all his life. If he decided he wanted to change, today, and stand up to her, it would still take years to undo all his deferring behaviour toward satan's imp. Assuming you knew this, what did you expect to happen when she behaves like this [my question mark key does not work].. You have responsibility in this as well. You probably knew he was like this. What were you thinking when you married him. He would magically change his behaviour after the marriage ceremony.

If you want to keep your sanity, one of two things has to happen: your milquetoast of a husband needs to go to therapy and have that person show him how to grow a spine and not only stand up to her, but be able to rid her if she doesn't stop this behaviour, immediately; or you need to start using your critical thinking and insight to figure out if he can change, and if not, get rid of him [and MIL], and you should be making therapy appointments for yourself, so you can identify potential partners like your husband and not date them.

That is correct. She is sleeping with subordinates. This is a demonstration of a power imbalance when it comes to rank and she is violating it and continues to do so. She is also involved with a married person and contributing to the dissolution of that marriage. She put herself in a position for a world of hurt and she thinks she is in a position of impunity [I am sure she has witnessed other officers do this with enlisted men +women and get away with it, so she believes she can, as well].

This needs the attention of her commanding officer

I don't have a problem with immigrants who are reasonable. But when they bring their bigoted, chauvinistic, and racist behaviour here, it should be a one-way ticket to their country of origin and have their name flagged for life. Demonstrating this behaviour, they don't want to assimilate to our society, they want to disseminate their hatred and backward beliefs here.

They don't seem to understand the difference between kink and abuse. It like someone who is married saying "it their kink to sleep around on their partner without their partner knowing, because it their kink'. No it isn't a kink, it's abuse and betrayal.

The parents freaked out on you because they don't want this POS of a son back in their home. Maybe if they didn't abdicate their responsibilities as parents he may not be like this. 'F' them for coming down on you for standing up to this entitled person.

Change is unlikely but you are opening the door for your father and uncle to abuse any children they have. Your friend isn't thinking about this clearly or critically.

Your sister is already lost. She caterers to a man who has probably been unfaithful - he at least flaunts his flirting behaviour in front of her which demonstrates he does not respect her or their marriage. She allows John to insult her and your family without consequence which makes her look like a fool and she knows it.

John gets away with this shit because people don't do what is necessary - call him out on his behaviour with understanding that if he continues, he will be cut-off. No one wants to do it as he is your sister's husband, even though his is a POS, and your sister could do better if she picked up a rock, throw it, and dated the first guy that the rock hit. Don't think for a moment he doesn't know this. He knows he can get away with this as your sister stays with him as she thinks she will be single for the rest of her life if she leaves him because she has some sort of the combination of lack of self-worth, lack of self-value, and John systematically de-values her worth so she doesn't leave.

I would also bet everyone around John wonders how he hasn't had the living shit kicked out of him yet.

I am sick of these people that think the person getting abused, manipulated, etc. should 'keep the peace'. What they are really saying is 'that person is so difficult to deal with and so emotionally immature, insecure, and entitled, that we don't want to deal with them'.

First off, SIL's parents abdicated their parental responsibility by allowing SIL to continue to act this way. SIL is a spoiled child masquerading as an adult. OP's brother is allowing his wife to abuse his sister as he doesn't have the nerve to stand up to his wife and your parents are the same way. Maybe if SIL's parents, OP's brother and parents grew a backbone, they would be supporting OP instead of throwing her under the bus.

If your ex thought the tip was that important she should have left a tip.

You made the correct decision to leave. She doesn't understand that it was her behaviour that ended this relationship. It would have gotten worse if you would have stayed and she wouldn't be taking any responsibility if this sort of behaviour she demonstrated continued [which I am sure it would].

|She did bombard me with messages saying how horrible I am, how selfish I am|

How dare OOP point out this woman's bad behaviour. It's not the fiancee's fault she is a cheater and fucks with other people's sobriety. The fiancee is a victim of society. It's not fiancee's fault she is a cunt in wolf's clothing.

These people are so bored and so pretentious they get into other people's business. She needs a hobby or maybe she should start reading books to pass the time.

Thank you. Finally someone willing to be serious for a moment.

Is it me or are some of those floor bricks moving