Sign him up for Medicare. When he gets angry at them? They call more! Ask me how I know šŸ™„

This exactly! Iā€™m still reeling from losing my mom! That was 2022. Iā€™d much rather have my parents then the money šŸ’”

Iā€™m 57. I iron the patches on my leather jacket and then sew them on!! LMAO Thatā€™s the only thing I iron!

I am so proud of you! As a husband and soon to be father for having your wifeā€™s back so wholeheartedly!! Stay strong OP. Itā€™s a beautiful thing to see in one of these subreddits!!

Definitely NTA

Um, Iā€™m Lutheran. (not practicing) have never heard such a ridiculous statement in my life! Have full practicing faithful relatives who also drink. Your in-laws are just nuts. Also, tell them donā€™t knock it till they try it!! Lol šŸ˜‚

No, itā€™s the fact that she straight up said. ā€œShe knows whatā€™s bestā€ then when he set boundaries about his new knives, she totally disregarded everything and used one as a bottle opener and damaged the knife.

OP, youā€™re NTA. She definitely is, plus she has absolutely no respect for you or your things.

OP! Iā€™m glad you got to enjoy the show before you went into your reception!! Congratulations šŸ¾šŸŽŠā™„ļø

Donā€™t forget the sad guilt face for ā€œmom! you leftttttt me!!!ā€

Ok, bluntly. Honestly. If you have to go through a persons phone because you donā€™t trust what they are telling you. They arenā€™t worth being in a relationship with. Period. Itā€™s not worth your time, your heart or your effort.


lol, I was assuming ned Flanders from the simpons šŸ¤£

Document document document!!! Keep records! Donā€™t block, just mute. So you can keep record of her spiraling behavior. Youā€™ll have your proof. So when she spits her venom publicly. You can show it, if you want to.

Otherwise, GO! Enjoy your wonderful vacation! No babysitting!! Stress free!! Donā€™t think about her!! Rest, relax, have fun!!

(I really like this part) I fully agree!! NTA ! Go NC your husband has your back. You are the parents. Itā€™s time to take your life back!!

Aahahaha!! Seriously! $50! How did you not burst out laughing at her!!

For me, from the pictures I canā€™t tell if itā€™s on both sides of the leg?

Looks like a botfly. Get to the vet and get it removed

OP. This isnā€™t on you at all. She knew she was going on this flight. She knew how long it would take. She should have taken the correct steps ahead of time and purchased her own ticket to upgrade her own seat.

She was aware ahead of time she was taking this flight while pregnant. She should have planned accordingly. Not begging others (you!) Sheā€™s fully TA

You are NTA