It's only for a few hours, right? I'm sure it would be fine

I have leaned big things against a tree. You could always call 311 and ask how they prefer it to be put out. They're open 24/7

I put the clip on my eyebrows too

Are you micromanaging someone else's body? Stop it. Yta.

Base coat white out, then white, matte nail polish. Or, so grab a paint pen from the doallr store/home depot.

Call your local division (or go in person) and fill out a report. They can't ignore you once you have a GO#

This happens to my FIL. He now parks at the bottom of the driveway "to make sure he gets his steps in". Problem solved.

Ikea. Don't laugh, they are amazing.

Would rather have something salty.

Free at laat!! Great work. Keep telling this story so that potential future bullies leave you alone. You have a reputation now.

I have boycotted walmart since jump. Bad practices and awful treatment of workers.

The loblaws one is tough, but now I shop at my local Asian markets and costco. Amazing.

Rouge beach park. In the hydrofield at markham/ connects to Thompson park.

For real. Supplement with house food. I usually do this because i don't like the sides at some restaurants, or just want a salad or something. For sure is cost effective.

For example I will buy a burger to go, and have salad and water as my sides.

If it's shallow (ashbridges or rouge beach) then end of June. If it's deep, never

YTA. You have to give people news like this live. What if your daughter got up and left and left a note. Who is to say that the note really was you.

On the other parents' side, I would think twice about allowing your kids over again.

Please, ASK THE KAREN COUNCIL hahaha. They have a council.

What I would do is make sandwiches for work friends, and then have them make me sandwiches on the next 2 consecutive days so I don't have to make lunch.

I work in an office and some of us do this to use uplarge quantities of leftovers (when one of us has a party, for example)

I understand, it's why I'm asking. For clarity, not for judgemental.

Doesn't expired milk have that smell and off taste?? Wouldn't that concentrate when you cook with it?

I'm asking, not judging. If this works, it's a gamechanger