Hey, y’all. There’s a word I can’t make out in one of Neptune’s lines of dialogue.

When Mistress 9 is threatening to…hurt…Uranus and Neptune if Sailor Moon doesn’t hand over the Holy Grail, Neptune says a line that translates to, “If you hand over the grail, I’ll despise you!” (Video clip: https://youtu.be/ASKu0wB6WQ0?si=LvEjYRN7iMzlgBT8 - it’s exactly at 4:05. CW for violence/strangulation immediately before.)

What’s the Japanese word for “despise” that she’s saying? I thought it sounded like keimetsu or keimei or something, but my dictionary doesn’t have them.

(Incidentally, this is actually the line immediately before the “redraw meme” image.)

Can anyone help me out? Doumo doumo doumo 🙏🏽