The sexist, racist, homophobic, toxic architect guy who's very class-ist (he's indian) has been promoted and the shifts have resulted in me (F) reporting to him . My worst nightmare has come to life. I'm base in a western country and land of free as is he. Just wanted to give u a fee examples:

According to him women shouldn't need to have promotions and they're best suited for paperwork/admin/non decision making engineering roles. Stay a developer or BA . No need to get into PM/SM etc

According to him me being in inter religion relationship (me WoC & my partner is Caucasian) is not acceptable in 'our culture'

According to his assumptions 'I don't give a sh*t' because I act like a dude at work and don't let my environment dictate my reaction so I try to maintain a poker face.

We had a PO end his own life. Management got us all on a call 4 days later and broke the news. I worked with him very closely being into tech BA stuff. So, According to him it 'must have been his gayness because he had a husband' he literally asked me 'how can a man have husband insert a disgusted expression '

According to him he doesn't care about other religions because his is the first (telegu) and original and oldest recognized civilisation and all others are useless except for 'white man's' religion.

There's more but u get the part. I've been mentored by a very Sr. PM about to be promoted to lead the PMO. this man didn't know and once he found out , after he gets promoted he canceled my mentorship.

He's never clearly or implied his dislike for me but he always tell me I'm beneath him in the caste order of things.

I've asked him how does any of this impact my work? My ability to do work? My ability to perform ? He says my spot should've been given to one of telegu women. I replied I interviewed and got thru.

I'm terrified of his hold on me now that I've been aligned under him.

I have a 1-1 with man and I'd like to start recording it. How do I go about it w/o utilizing teams? Any FREE apps that can record both way convos on the cell phone?