Oooo, like maybe it’s his voice we’re hearing as the story goes on? It’s a great second to Master Marsters himself.

While you can’t spot burn fat, you can spot build muscle, and focusing on a progressive overload program could help those areas build more muscle.

The East Asian situation would become extremely interesting. It could destabilize the entire region.

I’m also curious about how Mexican Cartels would react in the border regions.

Agreed; I know the Red’s were chomping at the bit for a fight, so he was merely a scapegoat.

But an altered start alters the entire flow of the war; we can’t assume any of the events we’ve seen would happen.

If he allows the sword to be unmade, the rest of the books would likely not happen. You mentioned Michael saving the council in Proven Guilty, but the timeline would be altered based on the war, if there still is one, starting at a different point.

I think it’s going to be a bit more subtle of a shift.

You do you, but that looks awesome! Rally Blue on Sparco White is tied with bronze for me.

I love my wife’s 2021 XLE, it’s not perfect, there are small things that are missed, but I wouldn’t want another car for her to drive 22k miles a year.

I’m a bit confused on why those communities loyal to Trump and the GOP chose to vote to stay with the Union. I would think those would be more inclined to vote to secede.

‘14 Fiesta | ‘67 Mustang

1967 Continental from Hit and Run

Eleanor from Gone in 60 sec

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Immorten Joes car from Fury Road

Bluesmobile from The Blues Brothers

And honorable mention would be the F100 from Expendables.

I wonder what the g-force would be in that during a storm? Enough to cause whiplash? Snapped necks?

Like multiple species of deers? Like mule deer, white tail, elk, moose, Sitka? Or like multiple deer of the same species?

But the scenario is “on earth” which I assume to mean not the Never Never.

Intense storm. Trampolines over fences, trees town, power towers down.

03 Jetta bought for $800. I was broke and totaled a car, was in need of a car to get me through about a year. That car was terrible. About 2 months in, started misfiring and one of the cylinders lost compression. 3 months later, the front passenger strut mount rusted through. God a I hated that car.

I second this. The motor has been running like a sewing machine: smooth and constant. But, like r/fluid_cookie_1256 said, the power is lousy.

On a second note, what upgrades were you able to find?

My head cannon is that Nic can do it, but doesn't want others to know.

Why are you holding your cigarette like kind of European Nazi in the movies?

Need more space for activities?

Besides space, how’s the car been?

Looks dang good. Why do you want to trade it in?

My daily curse word count rises, indicating an increase in stress.