Most homophobes are hiding gay desires. Found to be true over and over again. Reker, Craig, Hasert, you name it.

Exactly. Stolen valor is huge with the boomers.

Teachers like this do not deserve the job or the pay.

If someone had done this to my daughter they would have been in crutches for a month.

Like the Bank manager that had police come in and they handcuffed a black man just for trying to cash his paycheck. Never bothered to call the business. Just accused him of fraud and theft.

The bank ended up having to pay him a big settlement due to it all but guess what....they still kept the manager!! I pulled all my money out of the bank and moved it to a different bank. Over 120k in deposits they lost. I am not black but I support equal rights and abhor racism.

Unbolt the handle. Bend the handle end into a L shape when its off the valve. Reattach and you are done. Or flip it around. Pick your flavor.

Property theft by encroachment is so common and very likely in this case. Take your property back. Get the survey done and GPS the property pins (cause they dig them up and move them) for future reference.

Hope the boomer never got back with his ID to vote.

I can see this happening in the US. So many boomers that do not have their ID because everybody knows them.

Usually they triple down or more on their stupidity. Surprised it only stopped at the double down. AND you got an apology too!

"No problem. Your friend can have an appointment" Make it for when someone is not there. Dr. James - on the 15th at 4pm. (Dr James is on vacation).

Later: "Oh, no sir, It looked open but because you yelled at me I got flustered and I forgot to check the vacation schedule."

"So sorry"

Twice in a row? Mea culpa!

Who the hell has someone else make their appointments? And who the hell does that for someone?

Pretty sure they have a very high opinion of themselves.

Oh, Hi -your the snob-hole sisters right? No??!, Well I saw you being a snobish asshole at the deli just a minute ago so I just assumed that had to be your names.

Book it with through the website (hey, it's your house). (Do not pay anything) Have friends book it as well. Then call the vacation rental company and tell them it is occupied. Pretty sure there are fees that they get charged for each booking. They will suddenly care.

Mmmmm. Banana cream pie. My favorite.

Could stroke a banana as you tell her that you love banana's. Even bring it to your mouth and say - I love to cook and eat banana's -especially with the cream filling.

Give her a stroke.

See if you are in a one party consent state - google that first. Then if you are use your phone and record him saying this stuff. And then go to police with it.

Record your parents not intervening as well.

This is grooming and manipulation.

I pray to satan that you can make it off my property before my attack dogs reach you. I'll go let them out. I can't wait to view the video.

Why? Because I do not want to lost my job over your fraud. You just attempted bank fraud sir. I would suggest you rethink your stand on this or I will have to call the police.

Target. We stopped buying from them years ago. Went back recently and not impressed at all.

The prices are too high and quality is minimal.

pedophile. Let me say it louder - PEDOPHILE!!!


Sorry, the slide deck is proprietary to me and I will not be sharing it. (do not share it after a job offer either)

They were told by the scammers not to let the bank question what they are doing. People are so stupid.

I want my bank to question me or anyone trying to get money out of my accounts.

I hate people that make a big deal out of their service. Also I have encountered more stolen valor than I ever care to see. I ask them what unit they were with, where the served and what their MOS was. When they have to engage brain to try to come up with anything real it is funny as hell. Let me google your unit and it's deployment and they shut up fast.

Fucking liars.