I purchased my house last year. Recently I was notified by my city that I am listed as a short term rental property because my house is listed on a vacation rental website. I contacted the website and they said the previous owner has to contact them to get it taken down. I never got the previous owners direct contact info so it would be a game of phone tag between me, my agent, their agent, and the previous owner. And then that’s assuming the previous owner is willing to take the time to remove the listing in a timely manner. Is there anything else I can do here? Is this something my title insurance company could help with since technically someone else is listing my property for rent?

Edit: I called the website back and only mentioned it was a fraudulent listing for a property I owed. It is complicated a bit since I don’t have any account with this company to attach a ticket number to or anything. But they said it was escalated to their incident team and they will be reaching out to confirm property ownership so it can be taken down.