I used to work for a bank. I don't want to say the name of the bank so let's just say that it wasn't a bank of a foreign country, it was a bank of America.

So one day this woman (customer) came into our branch to report her debit card stolen and sat with one of our cross-trained associates (who could work as a teller as well as do minor Personal Banker interactions). They sat down and immediately the customer was somewhat aggressive saying "I came in here a week ago after being mugged outside of my house (2 guys apparently saw her leaving a grocery store and followed her home, mugging her in her driveway at her house). When I told your branch manager the story she accused me of lying to steal from the bank. I brought my police report and the newspaper article to prove I wasn't lying". (Note: the woman apparently had a busted lip and a black eye when she first came in)

Now, our branch manager was one of the worst human beings I've ever met in my life, and she's the reason I quit the banking industry. All of what this customer was saying was entirely believable to both the other associate and all of us who worked there.

The manager heard the ruckus and entered the conversation, "What seems to be the matter here?" she asked. the customer asked "do you remember me?" to which our manager said no. The customer then started on a rant, yelling and screaming about how our manager accused her of trying to steal from the bank (also believable to those of us who worked with her).

Eventually our manager was able to convince the woman to come into her office where, after that no one knows what happened.

Unrelated to this particular incident, I eventually reported her to HR for repeated violations of the bank's ethics code, for her discriminatory practices (for both associates and customers, with specifics documented including dates and account numbers), repeatedly violating bank policies. and on and on and on. She got written up for it and then retaliated against me for it which ultimately caused me to leave. I know I could sue but I didn't. I should have.

She once asked one of our (very kind yet introverted) tellers "is there something physically or mentally wrong with you that prevents you from smiling more?". All of us who heard this were shocked (this should have been a private conversation in the first place)

I've recently learned that the bank has been trying to find a reason to get rid of her ("hello?"). She's threatened to sue for age discrimination if they fire her.

I gave her head to them on a platter, yet now they don't know how to get rid of her. Fuck them.

Edited for clarification.