First post here, so hopefully I don't overstep any boundaries.

I took my youngest to a pizza buffet today as it was just the two of us for dinner. We sat down to eat and happened to be near the front register. I was generally aware of families at some nearby tables, but I wasn't paying much attention to anyone.

I saw an elderly man with a WW2 veteran hat waiting behind a larger group that was paying. He looked the part of someone 95+ years old, and him going to a pizza buffet made me think of my 99-year old grandma. One of the young ladies that was sharing register/table cleaning duties was walking through. I waved her over and asked if I could give her a $20 to pay for the elderly man's meal (and be anonymous) and the change could be kept. It seemed like a nice thing to do and I didn't mind it costing more as I wasn't looking for attention.

Enter the Boomer. An older man at the next table is turning in his chair and appears to be waving at me. I look over and after making eye contact he asks if I would be paying for his meal too. I thought he was joking, but he didn't appear to be. The fact that he was in a group of maybe eight people and had already paid and sat down before me didn't appear to be an issue.

I was at a loss for words as my brain was stalled in the processing stage. He continued to just state at me for a few seconds until what appeared to be a granddaughter started to move over to his lap and he looked away. I seized the moment and suggested to my daughter that we could go back to the buffet. The Boomer gave me a few looks until his group eventually left.

The first elderly man appeared to be a bit touched at someone paying for his meal. He couldn't have eaten much as he ate and left before us, but it was all good.