pacser me paraît une bonne idée

Faire AED peut être une bonne alternative. T'auras pas la charge de travail d'un prof, tu gagnes de l'expérience sur le terrain et parfois même tu pourrais réviser pendant les permanences (si au collège).

Moi aussi je suis en MEEF HG, je finis en 3 semaines, mais je suis étrangère (donc pas de concours pour moi). Bon courage !

I wonder is this normal somewhere? wtf

YES! totally agree with every word. I guess I didn't express myself well, and that's it that shocks me. But not just the men, I'm really not into how girls (Khanya, for ex) are "supportive" (?) of this gender role and I'm not seeing a girl that stands up and say "girl actually this is a little messed up, nah?". I mean, I know it's not really a unanimity among girls that splitting the bills (like for groceries) should be normal if both could help at home and there's not a great difference between salaries, etc. I find great when guys want to pay things or gifts, etc but I don't find disgusting when they don't find it a must and don't want to play this role, you know?

I got you, but I truly am. I really try to keep an open minded about the sort of things we can listen about non-occidental cultures. I mean, there's a lot orientalism in certain comments and I don't like reproducing that at all, so I tend to give a chance. I come myself from a third world context, and I'm currently living in Europa, so I would really not like hearing certain things (of course if it's against misogyny/racism/human rights, I'd would totally agree).

I am actually a little bit shocked about how sexist these guys can be :/

OMG HAWLEY ARMS 🤣 I swear I heard HOLY ARMS and I was like is this a sort of really catholic expression...? IA...? WTF 😂

help: why does she keeps repeating "[something] in the holy arms" all the time? is this a Scottish expression or something like that? what does it mean??

so beautiful, I got one a few weeks ago, happy to see yours :)

effectively I see two authors (myself) down in the page but the mails are the same I'm logged in. I did created the blog long ago with a different mail but it wasn't a Google one, do you think I may access with a not google account?


it's awkward because I didn't do it. I did move from my country and maybe it's automatic. Thing is I can't customize my blog anymore and I don't know why. Thank you anyway

edit: to give you some context (sorry its in Portuguese) but even in my laptop all I see is this interface.


blogger redirection error


For some reason my blog <> redirects me to some ads and bizarres websites, spams mostly.

I can't edit the settings in the app or google website and I just don't get why.

Help :(

I loved SO MUCH and I felt they were so respectful towards each other