I lost so much sensation that I literally had a breakdown over it when the reality hit that my nipples are now just useless blobs of flesh.

If you already have sensitive nips then it is a totally pointless gamble to get them done. I gambled and lost.

NTA but If you were my friend or family member I would really want you to consider taking the pills (if you don’t want the pregnancy and single parenthood that will subsequently follow) and aborting the relationship too.

Regardless of what happens in the relationship, you will never be able to forget the fact that he abandoned you when you were going through an abortion that he insisted on you having and even if he changes his mind and does stay with you then you will always know that he didn’t want to be there with you.

Why is it okay for him to not want kids but the responsibility of contraception falls solely on you? If he was so staunchly against having other children then he should have had a vasectomy.

2 & 3 are my absolute favourites.

The sister is an AH but that must run in the family bc you chose to procreate with one too.

Please get away from her before this escalates.

I knew someone who was like this in relationships (genders reversed though). It began with “look at the floor” then became “stand in the corner and face the wall”. This eventually became the odd smack for disrespect and eventually all out beatings for imagined slights. The partner never left until the abusive partners mother intervened and literally rang the girls mother to pick her up.

This will not get better, do not waver in your decision to leave, the changes you want will not come. Your children don’t deserve to grow up in an abusive household even if the abusive behaviour isn’t aimed at them.

YTA for not telling her outright. Put on your big girl/person pants and use your words. Tell her straight that you do not want short dark hair and will not be cutting or dying it brown.

If you do not tell her how you feel then how can she know what you think or feel. Stop pussyfooting around and be honest, even if she doesn’t care for your opinion, at least you will have told her and she will hopefully respect that it is your body and your choice.

The first thing I thought too 😂

Celeste Destiny Hope Faith Lola Cerys Nova Noelle

(Some of these are probably more “my parents are hippies” rather than the dreamy, graceful names you were asking for, sorry)

I would probably go for either trivium, killswitch engage or bullet for my valentine.

My partner and youngest daughter would pick falling in reverse or Michael Jackson.

My son would pick Eminem.

My older daughter would pick Melanie Martinez.

Apart from Melanie Martinez I wouldn’t mind any of those artists. Eminem and Michael Jackson probably have the best selection of songs to have to put up with for 10 hours though.

NTA, this absolutely breaks my heart. If my dad had written letters for me to read at certain points in life and someone had tossed them so carelessly I don’t believe I would have ever “gotten over it”. Fk her and your father for thinking this is something you would ever be able to forgive. There is no making amends.

I understand letting go of the anger because that anger would have served no purpose other than to ruin your own life bc anger like that is like a slow poison to your soul but as much as the anger has been let go for your sake, the forgiveness will probably (and rightly) never come.

Hope their wedding sucks and someone in the family makes a toast and “accidentally” calls her by your mothers name just to drive home the point that she will always be held in high esteem and will not be forgotten so easily.

May their home always have a strange smell they can never identify and they always run out of toilet paper when they have diarrhoea.

B-but this is literally me…. I skin pick, fidget constantly, tap my fingers together, sing the same part of the same song over and over until I am mad at myself (but still can’t stop). Never considered any of it stimming bc it doesn’t fit in with what my brain thought stimming was. I think i considered stimming to be things like rocking back and forth, involuntary noises (I suppose my repeat two or three lines of a song could fall into this), etc.

It’s almost as if looks, money or fame don’t act as a shield against suicidal thoughts.

The less rude answer is that mental health problems do not discriminate and can affect anyone, at any time, for any reason.

Arthur Kenneth Ian Graham Ernest William Jonathon Gregory Jason Andrew Richard Jeremy

I am currently only diagnosed with autism, the reason being I was supposed to ask to be assessed for both (or even just adhd) but panicked when on the phone and said autism and never mentioned the adhd.

I was actually really surprised to be diagnosed as autistic bc I didn’t believe I actually was (I had some traits that I could identify but there is quite a lot of overlap with adhd so I just assumed it was just adhd but with the overlapping symptoms being particularly strong. My adhd thoughts were confirmed when I was diagnosed with autism but couldn’t be made official bc even though they diagnose both, I only asked for autism assessment in the referral so nhs red tape meant I have to go to the back of the queue again for an official adhd assessment (I am currently back on the list, but it is around 4 years long in my area)

All of my children are auDHD, my household is chaos. I lean in to the need for order more than my children but I don’t have the ability to create the level of order I need or maintain it (bc I have three smaller versions of me undoing any progress I do make). Living with both is all I have ever known (even without it being official) so the only comparisons a person can make it against people you know without both. I always heated myself for not being able to stay on task or do well in school, I hate being unable to have a tidy home or follow through with any project until the end, I hate being so bothered by noises and lights and physical touch that I seem meaner and grumpier than I am inside. I hate not being able to hold a conversation without mentally berating myself for accidentally saying something that isn’t socially acceptable or not knowing when to speak or when to be quiet.

I always knew I wasn’t like my peers but assumed maybe I was just overthinking things and everyone else does feel how I do but can manage it better. I feel like I have life on expert difficulty or nightmare mode whilst everyone else has it on easy.

I’m on the fence about this. I am only on the fence because I am the sibling whose siblings always specified “step” or “half” sibling.

My dad always said “there’s no such thing as step and half siblings, you are just siblings” so when my siblings introduce me as a less-than full sibling I was left feeling less-than, that feeling is not one I wish on others.

I understand in the sense of clarifying familial relations but in general conversation I don’t see why.

Personally I feel it just breeds animosity and creates a division and a sort of “us vs them” mentality. But that is just my experience. I’m sure not everyone in that situation feels like that.

Not even close to her name but thanks to my calling it her for years (as a play on bobba or bubz) my 4 yr old identifies as “bob-bobs” it actually takes longer to say than her actual name.

My 14 yr old is usually referred to as “curtois”.

My 11yr old is simply “T” or “Tarna”.

Happened to me too, was initially seeing a rheumatologist for suspected arthritis, all tests were negative but the dr agreed that the stiffness and swelling I was experiencing in my hands upon waking were very real (she saw pictures of the swelling). Eventually we had an appointment where we discussed my lifelong joint issues (apparently I have been hyper mobile forever) and my severe level of fatigue that is present more than it is absent, she was noting things the whole time.

Eventually she grabbed a leaflet on fibromyalgia and told me to go home, read and see if it fit (it does, I had suspected a few things but fibromyalgia wasn’t high on that list). I didn’t realise that the act of her giving me a leaflet was a diagnosis, there was never an official conversation about it. I only know it is a diagnosis bc a gp said “if says here you have fibromyalgia”, I was diagnosed for two years before finding out.

So happy to see people who are trying to see the sisters POV.

I struggle massively with verbalising my wants, needs, preferences, and when in this exact scenario with my partner, just end up telling my partner to pick somewhere.

In my case it is that I am worried that I will pick a type of food he doesn’t want or will be too hard on him with his digestive struggles.

I will literally beg him to pick the place and then we will figure out if we are sharing something or getting our own separate meals based on our individual needs.

It has taken years of trying to be able to say when asked where “I don’t mind, you pick a place and I will find something I can eat but could we not have Chinese tonight bc I’m really not feeling it”. I get crippled by indecision and the fear of what I actually want getting shot down so I almost never make a decision, it is just as frustrating to be unable to choose as it is to have someone never voice their choices.

It was me, they were almost all me.

I only ever make myself and people I know in real life. I am physically incapable of making people up. I blame the ‘tism.

Part of the problem is that people are so used to seeing women with a full face of make up or enhancements (especially online and with the filters on basically every video) that it has skewed how people expect someone to look at X years old. Make up and enhancements aren’t a problem in themselves but when that is what people see all the time then it makes it harder to tell the age of someone who has neither.

The other part of the problem being that people are generally terrible at guessing age.

Either that or your coworker was just being a wanker.

It started as a somewhat intentional thing when I was bored but became something I do totally mindlessly now. I literally don’t even bother with my little finger bc I miss most of the time (I like to think I am just preserving it to keep in peak “stick pinkie put whilst drinking” form, something else I do mindlessly lol)

Lately is definitely tapping my finger tips together (random fingers to thumb). My old one was definitely flicking my foot when sitting and rocking myself side to side to stim myself to sleep, nerve damage put a stop to the first one and sharing a bed stopped the second (bc I don’t want to keep others awake with my fidgeting so I make a huge effort to not do that, I occasionally do it though, usually without realising I am doing it)