I’ve suffered lots from RSD over the years, and still do. I’ve managed to get to a point where I’m trying to be as true to myself as possible, at least in my personal life. Being constantly exhausted from my ADHD made me realize: I don’t have enough energy to always cater to others needs.

Me and my bf live very close to my sister and often hang out with her. When questions such as “what should we eat” comes up, if I do have a preference, I’ll state it and add that I can be flexible. My sister’s approach is to say “whatever you want”, even if she does have a strong preference. We’ve talked about it, and she has admitted that she struggles with voicing her preferences.

The other day a similar scenario came up. I stated what I preferred, and asked what she wanted. She dropped hints about what she wanted, but responded that it didn’t matter, so I opted for what I wanted since she wouldn’t give me a straight answer. I could tell that she was annoyed with my choice. My bf stated that I should’ve just chosen what I suspected she wanted, to make her happy, but I argued that it’s not fair to just expect me to read her mind and act accordingly. I don’t mind compromising, but I find it difficult to compromise when I’m the only one saying what I want. Yes you can communicate in other ways than just verbally, but the constant guessing game tends to worsen my RSD.

I want to be a good friend/sister, but I also don’t want to spend my energy on decoding her words so that I can guess how she’d like me to act. It can sometimes be difficult to tell when she truly means “whatever you want” or when she just doesn’t want to say what she actually thinks.

Have you been in a similar situation? How do you navigate this?