Current situation I'm with my wife and we have 3 kids. We been in therapy on and off and I know my wife is mentally abusive to me. We are on a month-long vacation in Asia. During this trip, I have done everything I can to keep thing peaceful. I don't look up most of the time as she will accuse me of checking out girls, I don't go explore anywhere on my own or hold any money as she will accuse me of doing something wrong toward her. Yet she was still unhappy a lot of time, even though I'm taking care of the kids most of the time, or my mother who went with us does, even if I'm tire I try to give her massage on her feet and legs at night on lots of night, and still she would comment how I was not good enough or not doing enough or not good enough in some way.

Thing come to a blow up after she yell at me constantly while we at Disney, I was in line with the kids as they do not allow our youngest to go on a ride without an adult, and since she can't keep an eye on me she call and cuss me out and accuse me of not looking down at my phone and looking around at the girl. I have repeatedly told her that is not the case and I'm just hanging out with the kids. As I'm not able to continue to take the drama, I told her I will just go with the kids and finish the day and go to our hotel and leave for another hotels. Fast forward a couple day we are supposed to go to another city, she reach out and asked that we finish the trip together and to meet at the airport. On the airplane she wanted to talk to me and first thing was she asking about what I was searching on my phone and on my laptop that I use for work, I told her again she is being abusive and I use my phone for what I need to do and my laptop for my work, she then wish my happy fathers day and ask how we can save this relationship. I told her I don't think it possible to continue as she keep making promise to stop doing these things to me, after she keep asking me do I want to continue this relationship, I told her I do not want to as I don't want to be abuse like this continuously. She starts to cry with our youngest sitting with her on the airplane, I told her we rent 2 room, and she can have 1 of the room with our youngest and I will be with my mom and the 2 older one in another room (complicated custody thing), all this was happening while the airplane was going to the gate after landing. She told me she doesn't want anything, I offered to get them their own taxi to the hotel and we will take the train as it was cheaper, again she declines. We take the train to our hotels, as she did not want to go with us, then she texts me and say that she demands I come back to the airport and kneel and apologize as I humiliated her. I told her I decline to do that as I didn't do anything to humiliate her, I just wanted to leave an abusive situation/relationship. I then offer again that she should take the taxi and go to the hotels room and we don't have to run into each other, only then I found out she have disabled the one credit card and debit card I brought on the trip for used. So for the last 2 days, she been telling me she will change to keep the family together, but I need to kneel in front of her with my kids and mom present so she can have a face in front of them, I'm refusing to do it as I do not think I'm doing anything wrong, I even borrow my mom credit card to go talk to her because she demanded that I must go to talk in person, I even explain to her that to me is very abusive. However, she is still saying that I humiliated her and that she needs me to do something for her to go through with her promise to change and go to therapy. Am I in the wrong to refuse to kneel in front of her with my kids and mom there to witness it?

FYI this is a throw away account, I just want to see if I'm in the wrong here as I'm not even sure of myself at this point.