Or it's just what someone who knows how to scale would say, this Sasuke scales lower than Sakura. Simply just using different versions of Madara.

Sakura tanked an attack from 10 tails Madara with the god tree absorbed and 2 rinnegan and damaged Kaguya. Meanwhile this Sasuke nearly dies to a Madara that didn't have the 10 tails and only 1 rinnegan. This Sakura just outscales this Sasuke

Minato. Not only is he just genuinely intelligent, so are the others listed. He had to male multiple split second decisions that directly saved the ninja world and ended the cycle of hatred. His prep and planning in that moment even allowed his plan to be carried out after his death and ended a 1000 year manipulation. People say Zetsu is the smartest for manipulating things behind the scenes the way he did but you have Minato who stopped that plan with his even though he didn't have the full picture.

The answer this depends on the circumstances. Why is Minato still alive? Did he seal Kurama back inside Kushina instead of using the reaper death seal? Or are we assuming Naruto still has the 9 tails inside him somehow?

I was about to reply correcting you but I saw your edit with you correcting yourself. But yeah Kakashi cared a lot

Kakashi was extremely bothered by this. He literally compares himself to Hiruzen fighting Orochimaru in this scene

This. And the fact he literally compares his situation right here to Hiruzen fighting Orochimaru. Kakashi gave a lot of fucks here

Except there is peace in the ninja world. Everything bad happening in Boruto isn't down to shinobi its down to alien's. The shinobi world itself isn't warring with each other so its still united and in peace. Obito didn't win he lost. You could say the 9 tails won as it was no longer under Obito's control at that point. But then the 9 tails was still sealed and it wanted to be free. So if you go based on who achieved what they wanted only Minato did. Obito flat out lost and the 9 tails was resealed

Except he only died because if the reaper death seal. He could have resealed it in Kushina and he would have lived which is what Kushina told him to do. Also he'd already fought the 9 tails before that and beat it without sacrificing himself when he was like 14

Minato literally beat a much stronger tailed beast twice and once when he was a kid. That very same tailed beast even compared him to Hashirama. Show me anything like that for the third Raikage

A raging 8 tails which he fought to a stalemate. A rampaging tailed beast is weaker than a perfect jinchuriki as they can't use their power properly. 4th Raikage was stronger than a perfect jinchuriki Bee back in the day and Minato was stronger than him making all of them stronger than the third Raikage

Except Obito retreated and literally lost that fight. Minato chose to sacrifice himself to keep the 9 tails alive. Which allowed the prophecy with Naruto to actually come to fruition and saved the ninja world, stopped the cycle of hatred and brought peace so no matter how you slice it, its a win for Minato as he caused all that.

Not to mention he actively beat Obito no diff and he wasn't even at full power in the fight. Cry more

Ah yeah totally, is that why Minato absolutely no diffed him even though Obito had every advantage in that fight having all knowledge and everything and he still got 1 shot so bad he had to push his entire plan back by 16 years. Had the literal strongest tailed beast ripped away from him like it was nothing. And Minato wasn't even at full power. So whatever helps you sleep at night

Minato. He was the strongest person alive when he was alive and he hadn't even reached his prime yet. To top it off he's not a reincarnation and doesn't belong to a prestigious clan like Hashirama. Not to mention he was already compared to Hashirama by the 9 tails. Who's a pretty accurate source for that seeing that he fought them both.

Yup. Basically. All I'd add is it isn't just hinted that Jiren is stronger than Belmod, it's flat out stated that he's stronger than his own GoD. Which makes him stronger than Beerus and also makes Goku stronger than Beerus. This is only true as far as the anime is concerned though

I saw that when reading through this thread. The thing is he ended up taking an L every. Single. Time. He hasn't even replied to my last comment because he clearly knows I'm right and he can't debunk me.

I'm new to this sub, I'm new to reddit. I'm not new to Naruto, though. I've been debating Naruto topics for years now. I came to this sub thinking it is a new bunch of people, and they might know better. I was proven wrong. Some takes are a lot better than others. Generally, 70% of people in this sub know what they are talking about. Which is more than I've ever come across in my 20 years of being a Naruto fan. The problem is that the last 30% in this sub are so much dumber and so much more stupid than anyone I've ever met in any other discussion. People like this guy.

"Madara didn't know the God Tree was a source of power." Even though Madara told the story of Kaguya gaining power by eating the fruit from the God Tree. This means the God Tree was the source of that power, and Madara knew about it. Honestly, make it make sense!

No it doesn't. That's complete conjecture. The no clearly means that it wasn't a factor at all. I'm not sure why he would ask himself that but the fact is he immediately rejected that himself. That's what the no means. No doesn't mean as well as it means no. You're trying to make Guy sound better than he is but you're having to twist words and the narrative for that to happen and the fact is Madara rejected the idea so him not being fully healed wasn't a factor. Like I said the word no is a rejection not an adding to the fact.

It literally cut him in half and again as we've established he wasn't weakened he just hadn't fully healed, Madara already rejected that idea so get over it. And why did the tree tell him to do that I wonder, almost as if it knew that Madara couldn't beat this version of Naruto and needed more power to handle him. Also saying he didn't know the god tree was a source of power is complete headcannon. He knew about the god tree and the chakra fruit that it sprouted, meaning he knew that power did come from the god tree so you made that up.

He didn't know how much stronger Guy had gotten and he didn't get serious with him, just kept toying with him so that's that one out of the window. Wasn't on the verge of death, he healed most of the way just not completely so you can get that right as well. He literally got up laughing and asked Guy if he could continue and was more disappointed that he couldn't so that's also complete conjecture. We get it you like Guy but the narrative is made very clear and that is that Naruto even in base SPSM was just leagues above Guy...

But he directly says no. Meaning that him not being healed fully wasn't a factor. Even if he was fully healed he would have still got one shot from Naruto. To add to this, Naruto actually does cut the god tree completely and Cuts Madara in half. Madara lays there afterwards and begins to contemplate his existence and then instantly goes for more power. He never once went for more power with Guy, he got up and was excited to continue but Guy was done. His entire personality changed when Naruto appeared and he actually got serious and worried, something Guy wasn't able to make Madara do. Like others have stated, Naruto was just in a completely different tier of power once he got the boost and him showing up and doing what he did to Madara shows that. He did damage to Madara in less time and with no help. Even made Madara use limbo which is something he never felt the need to do with Guy

You have to be trolling. You literally see his face everytime you see the leaf village. Look at the stone faces you'll see who he is.

While I agree with you about the Biju, I do have to say that Minato pretty much never loses to anyone in any popularity poll. There was an official poll the other year and Minato came first by a landslide. There was around 300k votes in Minato's favour, possibly more. Even if you broke it down by region he topped out everytime. Including Minato in any popularity poll is stupid because he'll always win.

Not really. Because with Minato there was so much more to worry about. He had no one else to rely on and there was about 5 separate things that he had to worry about at the time. Plus Minato saw the ability less overall before he figured out exactly how it worked. All of the Konoha 11 plus Kakashi and Yamato were attacking him all at once and still it took them longer to figure it out and they didn't figure it out to his level. The only thing Kakashi actually figured out was that he was using space time ninjutsu and that it surpassed Minato's but Minato also figured that out and in less time with seeing it less.

Minato didn't guess he saw it happen so knew that was a stipulation but then so did Kakashi with Shino's bugs but he still didn't deduce it like Minato did. Minato figured out much more with less time and seeing it work less. He also figured it out on his own while Kakashi and Co. Had a full team to deduce bits and pieces with Sakara figuring out the main part. But the fact remains that all of them combined deduced less than Minato and Minato had less time to deduce it all.

As for Konan, she didn't nearly one-shot him. She caught him off guard sure and he underestimated her that's true. But Obito ultimately went on to win that fight. Minato beat him so badly that he gave up his strongest asset, let it get taken away and then ran.

I suggest you reread chapter 395. It's actually all of them piecing the Kamui together to figure out what's going on but it is Sakura that makes the main breakdown to the rest of them. And they still couldn't counter it.

Which still isn't as good as what Minato did and it took them longer to deduce it than it did Minato. So yeah don't tell me to reread something when I have the manga on tap and can actually prove what I'm saying

I don't need to because all Kakashi did was figure out how to counter Obito's Kamui and the only reason he figured it out was because he had his other eye.

When the Konoha 11 were trying to capture Itachi, Obito was distracting them and their attacks all kept passing through it, it was Sakura that deduced how it worked and told everyone else. Not Kakashi. You re read the manga or watch the anime again

No I'm literally not. Kakashi couldn't figure out how it worked, it was Sakura that figured it out and broke it down for Kakashi.

Erm no, he completely broke down the fundamentals of the jutsu completely better than anyone else ever actually did. You can try and downplay his feat all you want but the fact is he beat Obito better than anyone ever did to the point it set his plan back completely by 17 years. It took Konan years of working with him to learn that much about the Kamui and then it took years of prep time to counter it and she still failed.

It took Sakura to break it down for Kakashi and it took Kakashi fighting with Guy, Bee and Naruto as well as having his other eye to counter it. And even then it was a hard fought battle. Minato broke it down better than anyone else ever has and then he figured out a perfect counter so bad that he no diffed Obito. The feats speak for themselves