I read your post. I hear you.

The Blob. And 2001 A Space Odyssey. Planet of the Apes. A Clockwork Orange....this was the worst.

I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Could you please say it again.

The surgery and vomiting.....and gaining back a lot of it afterwards.

Letting myself be treated like a doormat. My poor Mom.


"Also, those of us who became frum and then went OTD are constantly told that if we never became “as frum as we did” then we would have never went OTD at all."

So I'm not the only one that heard this? My hell years were in Lakewood and I often heard that if I moved to Passaic or Baltimore, I would have stayed frum.

What the hell? I didn't leave because I wanted to indulge in "taivos" that modox/less yeshivishe varieties of frumkeit would allow me. I didn't want to use the eiruv, wear shorter skirts, let some of my hair show, use less strict hechsherim, eat fish in a restaurant, do fewer bedikos for hilchos niddah.....What an offensive suggestion! How belittling of our values.

I left because I came to the conclusion that the whole thing isn't true. If it isn't true, it isn't true. If there is a god that has a fit if I eat meat he doesn't approve of, are you suggesting that I bargain with him so that he will tell me I can eat OU meat which is cheaper than Satmar shchita? I chose the version of this nutcase god that requires mikvah but is less into bedikos?If he's not there, he's not there. If this is all a fantasy, then what are we doing?

Forgive the rant. And thank you for bringing this up.

Well, they may not have the authority to actually kill us (until Moshiach comes) but they can torture us in court, take away our children and our livelihood, and order friends and relatives to abandon us. For some of us escapees, the punishments are pretty severe. And I do believe they would kill us if they could get away with it.

If the long term success of your relationship depends on him recovering from his disorder.....it might be good to consider breaking up now. This can definitely be a lifetime problem....he may be wrestling with it forever and if it is not tolerable for you, it may not work. My experience is that the personal shame I experience when I binge is damn near unbearable and if I had someone watching me and judging me for it, it would be even worse. I know you want to support him, but its possible that the only support you can give him, is acceptance of him WITH this disorder. Best wishes.

It counts for me. I consider it a major victory when I am able to do it!


Check this out....may be of some use to you.

I'm still angry and I don't think it will ever stop. They harmed me and my children too much. I don't think I need to stop being angry. Perhaps, in some situations, anger is not a bad thing?

Also, I never go near them.

I often feel the same way. ❤️

Good question.

  1. Find my daughter and see if I can help her.

  2. End war, poverty, disease, homelessness, etc.

  3. After (and only after) all that, I will lose 40 pounds.

Maybe a chaser of Xanax would help. Seriously. I get what you're going through.