My boyfriend has binge-eating habits that are getting worse.

He eats low-carb / high protein meals during the day and goes to the gym, but at night, he'll order things like entire pizzas with extra cheese and cartons of ice cream via Door Dash and binge them after I'm asleep. He hides the evidence in a closet and sneaks the bags out to the trash every few days.

When I ask him what he orders at night be says "omelettes."

I've talked to him about this several times over the last year and he says he talks to his therapist about it and that he'll stop. However he doesn't stop, he just gets sneakier about hiding it.

I tell him that I know this is a long-term problem and that I'll be supportive, but I'm getting tired of having the same non-productive conversation over and over again, with him lying to me about what he's ordering. I tell him I can't be supportive if he keeps lying to me.

Something has to change. I feel that he may need a specialized eating disorder specialist. How do I as a partner, be supportive but also set boundaries of what I'll tolerate in terms of the lying and self-destructive behavior? Has anyone gone through a similar situation?