For a variety of reasons I converted Orthodox in an out of town yeshivish community that had a Lakewood style kollel. A kiruv rabbi whose Hebrew classes I went to said he saw me more in a yishuv in Israel, following that derech. I remained yeshivish until I started pushing the envelope and ID’d as modox because I wanted to wear short skirts and sleeves. I eventually stopped keeping Shabbos and view myself now as traditional.

Sometimes I wonder if I always started out modox or even open orthodox, would I have remained frum to some degree. I basically quit organized Judaism for a few years unless spending time with my OTD’s partner’s frum family and have recently been branching out to explore Reform and open orthodoxy.

Having gone through what I did in the yeshivish community and seeing all of misogyny, hypocrisy, and everything else…I don’t think I can buy back into frumkeit even if it’s more liberal this time. But as I meet more open Orthodox Jews who don’t subscribe to the BS parts (I know you can’t entirely separate the good from the bad) and still keep Shabbos, TH, kosher, etc I envy the sense of community they have. I do miss the community and the fulfilment I had from Shabbos sometimes but it feels tainted now.

Anyone else relate? I had other people who chose Orthodoxy come to mind in asking this but of course totally welcome FFB perspectives too. Also would love to hear how other OTD geirim now ID. I still consider myself Jewish, partly because my paternal grandfather was Jewish despite not ID’ing as such, but more so because I’ve spent more time in the Jewish world than non Jewish at this point.