Does the damage model of ground targets warrant fuze options? Do we even have hardened and or unground bunkers in dcs?

Well that's pretty darn impressive imo, 2K lbs of bomb load and commendable a2a loadout! Wonder how much more that is than the US Marines on their flat top ships

Obviously not vertically, I mean off the ramp lol. Is this a capable carrier combat load with the ski jump

What is that on the outer most pylon?
Can it take off with this load out?
Does this load out include its internal payload?

How come the missiles are so so successful in these head on and high aspect shots? I thought the era is meant to be pretty meh

Thanks! so it was the navies interceptor, but not the air forces. What did the air force use at that time, the f106 or something along those lines?

Interesting. So you could say that late war, the USAF had the better dogfighter (gun + slats) but navy had the better missile capability (radar with look down shoot down)

Ok cool, and did the J variant adopt the leading edge slats?

So navy was flying missions on the older phantom while the air force was flying the E from 72 on?

Was it predominantly USAF or USN phantoms, or an even mix

Photo picker can now automatically pick up on cloud storage - this sounds really useful if it does what I think

Why are people down voting like crazy? Is it angry neckbeards who don't have access yet 😂

We need a much higher radar implementation for long range scanning, detection and identification

Please tell me mfds will actually be useful now and taken design inspiration from fighter jets....