Pooperintendant [57]

my daughter broke her arm riding bikes with a friend. PRetty young, she was kinda starting to spiral a bit at the urgent care. So I asked the doctor if she would get any powers as a result of this. The doctor solemnly said not likely, but if she did get any powers, they would be pavement related. The kiddo was gave a "har har har very funny dad" but that knocked the wind out of her panic. Then she got to choose the color of her cast and all was good.

Pooperintendant [57]

Ah... well then NTA. I mean unless you went and sat like 50 feet away or something, you didn't leave the line.

Pooperintendant [57]

yeah good point... a kid with a broken bone, and an adult freaking out about it will just feed into a circle of panic

So..... I dunno...

Is this something that your BF can see, from the bed? Meaning is he looking at a picture of your late husband kissing you on the cheek whenever he lays down, or is getting dressed or doing whatever other things one does in the bedroom?

For a good show, yeah you want more. I'd say most shows were forced to have more than their fair share of filler to make 20+ shows per season. Those that had continued storylines had them impossibly stretched out. Many more bottle episodes, which are not necessarily a bad thing, but could also just hork up a thread of a story.

There was a show that got cancelled early on called JEricho. Regular network tv in the "aughts" (I am thinking CBS). Post apocalyptic, dystopian show taking place JUST after some sort of nuclear attack. 1st season got meh ratings. Then it got cancelled, and there was a big campaign to get it renewed, and however these things happen, they got to make like 7 or 8 episodes for a second season, and it was cancelled again

Never saw it when it aired, I watched it online a few years after this and found out all this after the fact. The first season was fine. The second season was pretty freaking good. It was dense, as they had apparently tried to pack all that they were planning on doing for a full season or 2 into however many episodes. I recall thinking that some story lines, had they dragged across 20 episodes would have been boring and beyond silly.

So I'm not too off of shorter seasons. Things tend to be better, less stretched out.

I get it... so .... and thats why you are also the asshole here. I get it, its going to suck. But you can't be all "I don't want to hurt her, so I'm just going to keep hurting her. This way I won't hurt her. But I have to hurt her by saying I don't want to be in this relationship. ". You're trapping yourself in this ridiculous circle.

And yeah, I also get that she's holding you hostage. Thats why she's also the asshole.

Sorry to be harsh here but ... so whats the plan, Stan? You've got three options that I can see

1) you bend to her will and be in a relationship with a girl that you don't want to be in that will be filled with guilt and argument ? Maybe you'll be stuck with her for 10 years until the eventual loathing of each other hits a fever pitch and you finally get out. Or you stick with each other out of this bizarre sense of guilt until you die of old age and turn to dust.

2) you continue as you are, she waiting just waiting for you to finally see her as your one true love (that will never happen) and you her emotional hostage, with neither of you are able to have any sort of fulfilling relationship until you die of old age and turn to dust.

3) you bite the bullet and end this now, allowing both of you to be free of this toxic relationship you have and can actually move on with your lives and potentially meet someone and have an actual loving relationship

Well.. (was saying Y T A... but another post convinced me), not super harshly.. but you know what needs to happen and you don't seem to be willing to do it.

You're hurting her either way. You keep saying "I don't want to hurt her".

What you've _been_ doing is just continuing the hurt. And if you keep doing what you're doing you're going to continue hurting her.

You need to just end this friendship/relationship/whatevership this is. YEah.. it _will_ hurt her, but .. its then over and theoretically she can move on, and have something to actually get over and heal from.

So.. I'm not putting this all on you. As you describe it, she's just keeping up hope that you'll come around, despite you repeatedly telling her "this is not going to happen". But the more you stick around, the more you're feeding into that hope (irrational that it may be).

edit - ESH... she is being selfish in this as well.

Pooperintendant [57]


to paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi, your feelings do you credit, but you were out of line.

One thing you didn't say about Kate was that she was a robot. Meaning that you didn't complain that Kate was never emotional, or never expressed love or affection to her kids. You did say she was busy as hell, but no other complaints about her parenting.

Well. She's a surgeon. At work. Surgeons... at times, have to have guard up, and/or be eminently practical. Person has medical condition x, here's how we treat it. Plus she's at work, she's mentally reviewing a procedure she's going to be doing later in the day, or mentally reviewing a procedure she's already done, or half a dozen other things that they're juggling at a time. That she made time to come down during her work to see her daughter is a pretty big deal. From her perspective, her daughter was barely hurt, in the sense there would be no permanent damage, no long term therapies needed, no surgery. Cast and done.

This is not to say she was the perfect mom, but she is a surgeon in work mode. HEr daughter was otherwise fine. And who is to say what Kate was like after work when she had a moment to disengage from work mode and be a mother again.

get off your high horse and apologize.

I mean there are likely rules on the right side of the page listing the rules of the sub. No this, no that no whatever.

Didn't you get a message saying what you were violated on?

I dunno... I got banned from a "The Wire" sub because I commented on a thread talking about a comparison between certain characters on the Sopranos and The Wire. Didn't start it, just made a snarky little comment. A few minutes later I got a message saying I was banned. I was like "uh what???" but then I actually looked at the rules and it clearly stated something like "No Circle Jerks on the Sopranos". Then I thought "Oh... well... ", thought about attempting to appeal, who would I raise a fuss to, but then realized that it wasn't that important.

Basically, its pretty likely (I didn't click on the link.. I learned the hard way not to click on random links on Reddit), you violated some rule of that sub. whether the rule makes sense... its the rule. And its reddit so... I mean... its not the end of the world.

That would be a great study to perform.

Your example seems more nurture than nature tho. e.g. was your dad's and your grandfather's music taste exactly the same?

I would imagine that it will depend on how .. into it the fair is. The one that hits my area, we civilians aren't dressing up at all. It also seems like people really stretch the meaning of "Renaissance" as people are in medieval garb, which isn't Renaissance, and you've got people dressed as Jack Sparrow-esque pirates. YEah Roman's would be way out of Renaissance times, but so are half of the other costumes. so why not.

I gotta say I really like the gag of someone dressing in a starfleet uniform having a tricorder and walking around a renaissance fair.

So you're doing the functional equivalent of what we in the 70s, 80s and 90s did by recording songs off the radio onto tape or CD. Its a heckuva lot easier now, and can be done on a massive scale.

Is it illegal... yeah. Well... probably. If its just for your car, fine. If you're using the recordings to play in a bar or something, well you're getting into some illegal stuff that could have repercussions. Or similarly, if your "personal use" recordings (in whatever media), are being made available to say millions upon millions of people to "share" (e.g. Napster) , then you're likely getting into some legal issues (if criminally, if not civilly).

Dunno how IP , copyright, trademark or whatever legal term applies here is different between Iran or wherever. But I wouldn't count on, in this digital age, physically being at a place where such activity is "legal" to protect you from some sort of repercussion.

Without knowing full context, seems extreme.

Further... I question how effective malnourishing yourself will make you _shrink_ vs perhaps not grow as much.

Plus, you may be overestimating the ability of malnourishment to stunt your growth since you're at an age where your cognitively able to come up with this idea. i.e. you would have had to have been much much much younger for malnutrition to effectively stunt your growth.

Additionally, you're also inviting a whole host of potentially permanent/chronic health issues having a lot to do with malnutrition but nothing to do with height.

lastly, since you didn't actually ask a question, and so no one can say "this is no stupid questions, you can't say a question is stupid"... well.. this is a really stupid idea. idiotic. ridiculous. stupider than the dude who was trying to come up with a way to punch his professor.

Pooperintendant [57]

NTA... eh... NAH.. ANd well... you may have "made her homeless" (which seems a little dramatic to say the least) last year. So ... its been a year, and she's got the good room. At some point that debt needs to be considered paid.

what does "not advanced" mean? relative to say, the dark ages, they're miles ahead. I mean they're not exactly building super computers and nanobots, but they're doing ok. They have a far better understanding of, say, illnesses that many medieval counterparts, and some pretty darn impressive architectural marvels.

Double down on the scorecard. Physically create it using a whiteboard, or better yet, get, say a 40" monitor that you can hook your laptop/tablet to wirelessly and mount it above the kitchen table and set up a spreadsheet of all the tasks you do, and display the spreadsheet on the monitor (spreadsheet will be more informative, and allow you to do graphs and charts, trending etc. However, whichever makes the most sense).

Start keeping track in explicit detail of all the tasks you do. Make sure to point out how you made a choice to have dogs and chickens at some point, and that now you are forced to deal with the results of your choices. Make sure to point out how much of a burden your kids are, and every.single.thing. that you do to keep them alive is excruciating and painful to your existence. How much that ridiculous tasks like feeding them, bathing them, clothing them, taking them to school are literally a waste of your time

Also make sure to point out how little detail you give as to what your wife does when she's at home, orwhy your wife is traveling, perhaps in some sort way to make it seem like she's off to get a week long pedicure, and that she never helps at all.

Make sure you have all that sort of thing explicitly plotted out on the scorecard (or better yet, powerpoint presentation). Hopefully at one point you'll get an idea of how ridiculous you're being.

You are not the only person to have rewatched. I disagree with you as stated.


I will grant that that the first 3 episodes are fine, I'd even go so far as to say 1 and 2 are "good".

But then episodes 4->the end are terrible. So bad that they make me think they made eps 1-3 good deceptively, like a pheromone trap, and it was all part of their master plan.

to call any episodes of this season nearly perfect seems gross hyperbole.

YEah YTA - thats a pretty mean thing to say to a 6 year old. I mean, was he trying to make a tomato soup sandwich or coming up with a creative way of dipping a sandwich into soup?

normal thing for an adult to do would be "hey buddy, what are you trying to do there?"

"put tomato soup on my sandwich"

"hey try just dipping it... no no not the whole thing... just the corner... yeah like that.. there you go".

on the face of it, I first that that MIL using the term "abuse" was a bit overkill, but then your whole nonsense about Asian culture vs Black culture.. c'mon... but sounds like you're "dummy"-this. and "idiot"-that and "moron"-other, left, right, up and down all day, so yeah.

My dude was eating tomato soup at 6. You couldn't get me near tomato soup, or most any vegetable at that age without a crowbar and threats . How bad an eater can he be?

Whatever "culture" you are claiming to be from, stop calling kids that aren't yours "dummy" all the time. In fact, stop calling your kids "dummy" all the time. In fact. stop calling kids "dummy".

jesus... term of affection? seriously? 🙄. I'm looking for the actual dummy* in this story... think I found him

*note: this instance of this term is not being used as a term of affection

so... have you not actually watched the show? The hows and whys and wherefores of Theon becoming Ramsay's captive is gone into in great detail. Why Theon was where he was, what motivated him to be there. Ramsay's motivations, and how he accomplished everything and all the excruciating details of Theon's captivity. Same in the books.

I will grant you that the books, identity gets played with a lot easier, but its pretty well told and all facts are made clear.

This is not one of those things where a bunch of things are happening off camera or off narrative and we're left to figure out on our own what happened.

Pooperintendant [57]

Gotta admit this was a bit difficult to untangle (suggestion.. don't use "I" as a fake name. The letters are hard enough, but as "I" is a letter AND a word, it makes things a little troublesome).


Based on what you wrote, you asked permission from the group "hey can we invite 'I'?" to which everyone said "YEs". and then later, privately "lets go on a different trip instead and exclude 'I'". This is one of those situations where if people just spoke up and said "I'd rather not invite 'I' because of reasons". Or , not every friend can go on every trip.

I think it was fine that you asked "can I invite another person". I would have hoped you would have accepted if people said "no".

If they were trying not to cause a kerfuffle by saying yes and then later saying no, well they failed at that.

One hopes people will just learn to voice their opinion when asked, rather than just whisperwhisperwhisper later and get all pissy


Pooperintendant [57]

Then why did you bring up generation at all?