That's the difference between you and I. I am taking steps to improve myself while you continue to lower yourself.

Left my youngest daughter on the couch surrounded by pillows so I could go pee because 3 months old, asleep, the other 3 were fine at that age. Nope. Little Miss Surprise decided that was the perfect time to show momma she can scotch herself off the couch and onto the floor. She's fine 23 years later but sometimes I do wonder.

My husband is a good 8 inches taller than me. He leaves a puddle on the floor when he's done. The only good thing is that I have perpetually clean bathroom floors.

I have grandchildren and still watch SpongeBob, Scooby-Doo and Bugs Bunny. You're fine.

This is the only reason I joined Reddit.

Also if you are in the flightpath of helicopters, they can get low enough to take a peak.

7 months? He can't even vote on toilet paper yet, baby girl. Buy your house and live your life your way.

That means the spell is working! Mwha ha ha ha!!!!

Right???? We lived about 5 miles from a prison for 20 years and I didn't think twice about it before I saw that movie.

William Tells son:Dad, isn't there an easier way to peel an apple?

The Strangers. I was in my 40s when I saw it but I absolutely will not go outside alone after dark anymore.

What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Cook, we be havin calamari for dinner tonight. Why that be, Cap'n? The Octopus mascot tried to eat the cabin boy again.

Oh, okay. I thought I was missing something important cause my husband works on his bikes unless he gets stuck on a problem, then he calls the mechanic. I needed to be sure I didn't need to worry.

I'm short, fat, ugly and old. Of course people think I'm gay. It really surprises them when they meet my husband. And kids.