Alright this is my first time posting ever on reddit so be kind you weirdos haha but I truly don’t know what to do...

I’ve been very blessed and fortunate that my parents created a savings account for me to buy my first home.

Context I finished my MA and moved back home to save some cash to buy a house. I moved home about a year and a half ago, I met my now boyfriend (he’s doing an apprenticeship in town and wants to move back to his hometown when he’s finished, 7hours away.) We’ve been dating for 7months. I’ve managed to save up money (not a crazy amount ~15k) to start at least looking around. My parents then told me about the savings account they have for me (~30k). I’ve been now invested in finding a place. I found a place last week (an intensive fixer upper, like I’m talking gutting it from ground up) but it’s my dream location in my hometown by the water and I love the idea of making it my own (obviously with a lot of time, money, and help)!! I brought this up to my boyfriend and he’s been stone walling me with everything I bring up with me buying this house? Saying things like “that’s going to take years to fix”, “that’s going to cost so much to fix”, etc. Like I already know this?? But it’s giving me more of “if you do this we’re through” vibes… and I just don’t know what to do or say to him that I haven’t already… Is this him finding a way out because he wants to move back to his hometown? Is he jealous? I want to be with him, he’s truly the man of my dreams, but are we just in different places in life?

more info - He is not expected to help with anything to do with this house. He’s an electrician apprentice - His apprenticeship ends in ~2years - The house is being sold by a family friend to me for $120K (price of the lot). - Don’t know how house by the water means seaside villa? I live in Ontario so when someone mentions water it’s more like a house by a body of water I.e. a lake. - I haven’t sent in a letter of offer to buy this place I am just seeing how the rest of the world feels about this situation. - SIDE NOTE: If I do put a letter of offer in yes I would be able to live at home for the time being (and yes BF would be able to live with me at my family home if he would even want that??) - I FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT WILL TAKE YEARS AND LOTS OF MONEY TO DO THIS UNLESS I DIE TOMORROW AT MY RIPE AGE OF 25 I WILL BE ABLE TO DO THIS PROJECT OVER TIME WITH MONEY THAT I MAKE - I also didn’t know about him wanting to go back home until about a month and half ago. - Clarification I would be doing this while working FT from home, and would be doing this project over the course of 5+ years to either rent, live, or sell it - An investment property for the future.


  • I’ve already told him that I would be also willing to move to his hometown after he’s done his apprenticeship (whenever that is, maybe 2 years but the program is apparently backed up so could be longer?)… but I just feel like it’s a sacrifice he wouldn’t do for me, so yeah.
  • I will keep everyone posted of our conversation after him and I talk (he’s gone to play golf)

major update For everyone commenting here about “how can I afford a house when I have nothing to my name”.. you don’t know that. - I pulled from my TFSA and bought the house outright for $100,000. - Told my boyfriend that he can either get by it or leave. - I’ll be a home owner as of July 20th 🙌