I love my Tesla. I have had it for almost two years and it runs great. I have saved on fuel and I like the tech.

My husband just got his cybertruck. It is hot garbage. But he really wanted it and we could afford it. I said we should wait for the second model so that they could get all the kinks out of the design. He insisted on being one of the first.

He loved it when he first got it. Lots of attention. Answering questions for everyone wherever he went in it. People taking pictures. I get it. It was supposed to be the future.

Now he hates it. He constantly asks to use my plaid. Which means I would have to use his stainless Aztek. I do not let him unless I know I will not need to go anywhere.

I'm not here to argue about that vehicle. Some people love it some hate it. I know that but it is neither here nor there.

My husband is just upset with me because I am making him live with his decision that I said was not well thought out to begin with.