I don't really wear jewelry, but when I do, it's white gold or silver. I hate the yellow gold color. So I always tell a new partner that I don't really like jewelry, but if I do wear it, it's white gold or silver. I still have gotten yellow gold stuff from some exes 🙄. Some never listen so sad.

My mom was extremely parentified rowing up, with the amount of siblings in the double digits and didn't originally want kids but then ended up having 2 and being a stay at home mom with a home daycare.

You need to get the cat to a vet now. A simple urinary infection could cause all of these issues. Or another medical issue. Vet should have been first!

Did she at least let them know ahead of time? Like on the invitation note that it was buy your own meal? So people could go eat between ceremony and reception.

So you have known since you were young. I would assume your brother knows about it so his friend may know through him.

I do exactly this. I don't know how many in a row I've cancelled, but it was quite a few and never got kicked off either.

For me I have to use a computer/laptop, I can't get it off my phone.

I wonder if it's because they want him in their church burial ground and are afraid he will want to be buried with her. Or the grandchild might want to be with the mom (if that's her mom) and they don't want their grandchild not in their religious cemetery.

Right? She even asked him what would be appropriate to wear so was willing to dress for the occasion as long as it didn't make her feel embarrassed? ashamed? Who knows what. She is a huge YTA!

If your family loved him, they would have wanted you to go be with him during this difficult time. To me, it sounds like they encouraged you to stay in hopes that this would break you guys up if not that, then out of pure selfishness.

I hate it so much when guys do this! So much to the point that I don't even like it when my boyfriend does it. Every new partner I have to tell them if you do this, and I abruptly pull away it's because that move revolts me so much.

I still got asked to smile and when I pointed out, he couldn't tell with my mask on he said he can see it in the eyes 🙄

YTA, you destroyed any chance for her to have any type of friendship. Even if she made friends during the summer there, she wouldn't be around them during the school year, so she wouldn't be able to nurture those friendships either.

I would have absolutely hated you if you were my mother. The 2 weeks we went on our family vacation I missed so much with my friends. I felt so left out I couldn't imagine the WHOLE summer.

When I went off birth control, I didn't have sex again for 7 years (it still took a long time to figure out I was asexual, I just figured everyone exaggerated how much they liked and wanted sex). I had no desire for it aside from thinking that I would eventually find someone who would show me that it was enjoyable, and then I'd see what everyone was talking about so did try a few more times before I figured out I was asexual.

Also, I never wanted kids, and that definitely NEVER changed, so I don't think you have anything to worry about.

That's so sad. People are really terrible.

Omg what happened? Did your grandmother push for the card? Did she tell you guys, and did anyone go and complain get it fixed?

I used to have the same "conversations" with my mom. She said I was sitting up and everything, I didn't remember and at the time didn't really believe her. Now, as an adult, I think why would she lie. I'm glad to know it's not just me. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me(I really love my sleep).

I used to have cramps so bad I'd be in a fetal position in front of my locker wanting to throw up. Now they aren't as bad, but driving makes it feel better, the bumps in the road help as well as jiggling/lightly punching my abdomen. Also if it's heated seats it definitely helps even more.

But I also wouldn't go out to a party that night because I'd be in too much pain/exhausted from everything. So not everyone is like your daughter or her friends there is a wide spectrum.

If they were in person would he have run away? Maybe screaming?