I have one daughter and when she was around 11 we bought a condo in another state (Alabama) right on the beach and we would go as soon as school let out, until the week it started back up. Around end of May to the end of July or early August.

She never really seemed a fan of it but I thought she would grow into it. The next and following years she would be going outside and to town with us for a week or so, and then eventually would stop going outside and complaining that she wanted to go home and see her friends. I told her to make friends there and she would argue with me. She would just stay in the bed and go on her phone asking to go home everyday.

When she got into high school she got a boyfriend, they're still together, and would be even more hesitant on going away for so long and would try to do everything to go home and not stay as long and would try to go home with her Dad when he'd go back for work.

But because she was 14-16 we didn't want her staying in the house by herself when he was at work. It got to the point where I saw texts from her boyfriend saying it was ridiculous too and nobody should be staying that long.

My daughter's 20 now and hasn't gone on our full vacation ever since she was 17, that's when we gave up and allowed her to stay. When she comes up to the condo now with her boyfriend they stay less than 10 days.

My daughter and I still argue that she claims I isolated her from all of her friends and especially because I would ground her a lot so she couldn't even text. I also had a rule that she had to walk for an hour in order to get 10 minutes in the phone because shed stay in bed all day and complain about wanting to go home.

I don't think she would've done anything back then besides stay in bed at home too though. She claims she would've hung out with her friends, wanted to learn how to drive, see her cat, see her boyfriend, study her hobbies, etc. But I don't trust her and I find it astonishing that she thinks I held her captive up there every year and I ruined her life. She said a lot of in real life friendships died down because they never even saw each other unless it was during school.

Like am I the one to blame for her loosing friends? why does she not reflect on herself?

Edit: There's only one bedroom and there's two beds in the walls and a pull out couch. I didn't want to responsible driving other kids that far across states in case of an accident. Her and her boyfriend drive themselves and they're adults. And she always claimed that none of her friends would want or even be allowed to stay that long anyway.