Was this fool like this before getting pregnant? Because if he just started this behavior as some reaction to becoming a father, I don't know if he's worth it.


But first we have to vote out the old ass politicians that keep things like this from happening.

Reign in this behavior, unless they're always doing this and this isn't a one off situation. 

I'd say better that, than being potentially pimped out for gambling debts accumulated by her STBX.

Actions like these are why I became frustrated with the Democratic Party and their inability to pass the Voters Right Act, because a lot of states are engaging in this foolishness and I don't see any end in sight. Legislators all over the country have been chipping away the voters right ever since we elected Obama, I suspect the mindset was, we can't ever let that happen again, let put some roadblocks in place.

Book smarts doesn't always translate to being smart in other areas. I sincerely hope OP keeps all of her house documents under lock and key. It's not beyond the possibility he'd steal the deed and do something illegal with it and end up with the entire house leaving OP out in the cold, so to speak.


I doubt if she ever intends to pay back that money, she gives off a serious entitlement vibe, imho. However, you can see this as a positive, she can never, ever ask you for money. Now, if you still give her money or ever bail her out, you would be TA to yourself.

I also call this; falling in love with "their representative" that individual checks all the boxes in a good way, then you fall in love and get vulnerable, then bam the real person shows up and it ain't pretty.

God, I know someone like that, I try to redirect them, because I don't want to tell them, "I've heard this before" jeeze, just how many times are you going to tell this and they have a tendency to talk, talk but never allow one to get a single word in edgewise.

He wouldn't definitely be getting any damn sex, it being I'd find it a turn off having relations with a damn child!!

Hell, that behavior he just displayed is a complete and total turn off, imho.

I seriously wish there was some kind of "data base" on men like these. Because being a prolific baby daddy ain't cute at all and if there some kind of notice, maybe just maybe some of the women would be more proactive with birth control. Yeah, it shouldn't be all on the women, but then we have situations like these, a man that reproduces like mad and does not actually parent.

Another thing, financial imbalance I also noticed he also insisted OP give up her career, so dependent on his income as well. I confess this husband kept his mask on long, but the age gap is very telling.

Yeah, right she kicked them because her feet were hurting. Liar, she ain't performing in some concert where that's acceptable, lol!!!

Naw, no fuck this guy, he don't deserve any fucks.......to hell with this guy!!!!

This right here^. I can't believe how many posts I've seen here with young women being totally being taken advantage of by allegedly "mature"' men. I mean they're spending money and loaning these men money, hell they're supposed by be supplying the money to you, not you to them, lol!!!

Next, these friends may attempt to do "an intervention" on her. Because I'm quite sure those friends had an opinion on how their trip went, especially with OP's boyfriend putting his stink on it and totally ruining it.

Damn, I suspect this is why the senior citizen community model became so popular, how else could you successfully escape from your adult children that fail to launch and never intend to leave the nest.

Yeah, I know that gesture was significant, but!!!