Ask for help. Go to your Advisor first. Then keep making appointments for academic tutoring. Show “them” effort and “they” will help

Agreed. How about adding a picture of you playing Pickleball? Or at Pickleball with friends?

Keep going. Slow and steady wins the race. Join an in person support group- like WW. It is a whole lifestyle change. The meds are just one part. Good luck!!

Take the job that they offered. Start training. Transfer later.

Send an email asap while you can recall the details- exact time, location, sequence of events.

Smart move. Married men/women are Married!!

Tinder/Hinge/FB/pof/match… dating sites are all the same. Married or in a relationship, men lie!

Same here. I am relentlessly targeting. It is stupid. And USA Pb has Sportsmanship rules. No banger reads the rules - or plays by them. I have my friend groups that I play with.