Hi, I realize this is not exactly estate planning, more like cleanup, but appreciate any input.

My aunt passed away. During her final 3 years I did arrangements of her care and was the closest family member to her. She did not leave a will. I was the beneficiary on her accounts going back 15-20 years. She did verbally express a desire to leave some money to a couple of less fortunate siblings of hers. After her passing I found records of where she had switched beneficiaries a few times over the years.

So I want to send money to these two siblings. The amount for each is not massive (under $10,000) but would be an unexpected bump for these families.

I'm struggling with the logistics on exactly how to do it. We live far apart but all in the US. Should I just send them a certified letter and a cashier's check? I don't want to ask for their bank account numbers.

Thank you for your consideration in this fairly simple matter.

Edited for clarity.