Higher elements would decay almost as fast as they're summoned, so the question is how much radiation that comes out to.

So if you just made the most unstable elements on the periodic table at cooldown, would that be enough radiation to do anything?

I think the first thing that would happen is Tyson would take of the blindfold.

Are the two dicks horizontal or vertical?

You can always choose to be friends with people who don't argue with you.

There doesn't seem to be any reprecussions to using your powers as a vaillain, and heroes only stop you while you're in the middle of a crime. So I'd say villain, then I'd mostly do what I do now but using superpowers.

If a coin has been flipped 100 times in a row and lands on heads, it is fair to at least suspect its a double-sided coin.

The justice system that you or I would be put through doesn't apply to this man. I'd be in prison if I altered a hurricane forecast for broadcast. That's not even on the top 25 of this man's federal crimes and he's walking around free.

He's somehow avoided all meaningful repercussions so far, it would be a fool's bet that this is the time he's finally gotten.

Creature - Human Pedant

I mean it doesn't have the lift loss of thoutsieze, but enough decks out there want to lose the life. When I say "some other effect" I don't need anything overwhelming.

Creature - Human Pedant

If I may suggest, some effect if you choose not to pick one. For if their hand is full of nothing but lands and low cost aggro. Some consilation prize for when you 'nope' out of giving them something free the turn after next.

Creature - Human Pedant

Its why women keep chosing them over the man.


Creature - Human Pedant

The cases where channeling is preferable are niche. +1/+1 counter games, etc. I feel like the primary use is as a combat trick, but that's valid.

Creature - Human Pedant

Good for removing counterspells but generally this is a weaker thoutsieze. It needs either more time counters or some other effect.

Creature - Human Pedant

So the game plan is to be 2 turns behind renamiation? When does this become strong?

Creature - Human Pedant

You can cheat big creatures in before dropping a 6 cost enchantment

Creature - Human Pedant

I feel like a 6 cost blue enchantment that read "monocolred blue creature spells cast 0" would be unfoavorful but not overpowered.

The Eldrazi one could have its text put on an Eldrazi creature.

Creature - Human Pedant

What if you create a token copy of your target, then put a -1/-1 counter on each other creature that shares a name with it? That way if you cast this for a large number on an opponent's creature you can kill it.

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There are a number of public good operations I could be the head of. I wouldn't shoplift if that was the question.

Though if you tried to deal with the big problems in America, sure you wouldn't face legal consequences but cops would just murder you, which is an illegal consequence, and those cops would get promotions.

Creature - Human Pedant

Suppose X1U, exile it with 1 time counter, then double the number of counters x times? 2 mana is weaker than delay, and X = 5 is quite clearly never going to happen because 32 time counters is a lot.

Creature - Human Pedant

Its not about balance, its about sending a message about procrastination.

Creature - Human Pedant

Agree on X can't be 0. But what if when X is 5 or more you simply exile the spell?