Advice discordSchool
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Would anyone be interested in starting a discord for women in a similar situation? It could be just for chatting, share advice etc

Thanks girl, sounds like we are in the same boat ❤️

Lonely in nursing school:table_flip: Rant / Vent

Just found out in my new semester of nursing school that because me and my husbands schedules oppose each other, we will hardly see each other for the next few months because we also work on the weekends. Anyone dealt with having to be separated from your SO during school and any tips/advice on how to get through it? Everyone says it won’t be forever which I know, but it’s just been making me anxious…

Yes just plan appropriately and don’t Binge and you’ll be alright, focus on portions and limiting to the once a week or holidays

NTA at all. My sister insisted on co-sleeping with all three of her kids from birth and at some point she and her husband didn’t even sleep in the same bed for months even years. Just as you respect your child’s boundaries they need to learn respect yours too. There’s no shame in want some alone time and a good nights sleep .

I wonder what would happened if you destroyed the painting of yourself…

NTA agree that he could be projecting or at the very least being extremely paranoid. He needs therapy and a big reality check and you need a break.

Considering how young you are, I would get my feet wet by becoming a CNA or something similar. If you enjoy working with patients and can handle the work, then you’ll know it’s what you want, you could even do this while going to school. I would consider starting at community college and meeting with a counselor to discuss what prerequisites you need and what degree path you want to follow. Good luck!

SSRI withdrawal

So although very ill-advised, about a month ago after tapering myself for a few weeks I completely stopped taking my Fluvoxamine (anafranil) which I have been on for a couple years . I experienced the normal withdrawal symptoms that I’m familiar with (I.e. cold Chills, aches, headache, nightmares) but to a lesser degree and they have since subsided. The only thing that I can’t seem to get rid of is the GI upset. I noticed an appetite decrease and then not long after some nausea and diarrhea. Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed I have to have BM immediately after eating and sometimes more often. Then today, after eating not much at all although it was fast food, I’ve been nausea, bloated and had an increase in the diarrhea. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I expect this long term or will it subside usually?

My undergrad GPA was only a 3.2, but I did really well in my prerequisites that i had to take right before applying. I think as long as you can show improvement and commitment you’ll be fine, bonus points if you point out that you recognized your need for improvement.

Also in BSN school and despite being several months in, I only have a few acquaintances. I also recently struggled with my grades and despite being visibly upset, no one said a word to me. Point is, make your program about you and your success and try to tune out what everyone else says because at the end of the day, you doing this to make a career for yourself, not to necessarily make friends.

Just make sure of a couple things including:

  • the other school degrees out of state will be accepted by Cali

  • depending on how long you’ll be in the other state that the change of scenery won’t be too difficult, change in lifestyle

So the passing score is definitely a 45?

Was in one for 6 years and the attraction was very minimal and eventually nonexistent. Trust me when I say there are worse things than being alone. I would break it off because you need to be honest with yourself and she doesn’t need someone to pity her.

Thank you for your honesty, I feel like if nursing instructors could be honest like this anxiety would be a lot less

The one I have to retake again is sterile wound dressing and wound packing

Feeling like a failureSchool

I failed my sterile wound dressing check off for the second time today and feel terrible about myself. I get one more try next week, but if I fail again I have to retake the whole lab class. Feeling pretty hopeless and I know my anxiety will be super high during the next remediation. Any advice?

Edit: I passed and my professor was very impressed with my improvement! Thank you for everyone that gave advice 😊🙏🏼

My advice is to look into home health as they need a lot of people. I used to be a personal care aid and you could also look into respite care. Your job isn’t super medical but you will get used to be around patients. Good luck!

I’ve met people like this and no it’s no normal, it sounds like she has anger issues that are way unresolved. If it’s any consolation, you’re obviously not the problem here. If you feel like she would be responsive you could tell her how this is affecting you. Otherwise I would just try to stay clear of her as much as you can until you can move out. Hope things get better soon!

I think you need to seek out therapy before making any big decisions about getting married or cutting off your family. If my close relative had been cheated on and they chose to marry the person I would have a hard time celebrating that. As someone who’s been in a similar situation, if you have any love for your family consider listening to what they have to say.

I would get out while you can, your partner has made it clear how he feels. Also spitting on someone is considered assault, I would start documenting everything and anything you can. The last thing you want is for his and his moms actions to escalate and hurt you and the baby. Try to reach out to your family and friends if you can for support and somewhere to stay while you get legal help.

Very good read!! Would love to have another chapter

See if there are any respite care companies around you. I’m doing that atm while in nursing school and I can basically make my own schedule.