So although very ill-advised, about a month ago after tapering myself for a few weeks I completely stopped taking my Fluvoxamine (anafranil) which I have been on for a couple years . I experienced the normal withdrawal symptoms that I’m familiar with (I.e. cold Chills, aches, headache, nightmares) but to a lesser degree and they have since subsided. The only thing that I can’t seem to get rid of is the GI upset. I noticed an appetite decrease and then not long after some nausea and diarrhea. Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed I have to have BM immediately after eating and sometimes more often. Then today, after eating not much at all although it was fast food, I’ve been nausea, bloated and had an increase in the diarrhea. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I expect this long term or will it subside usually?