AITH for not co sleeping? I 29 (f) have a beautiful daughter with my husband 34(m). I love her to death. I will give up everything for her. But my bed space isn't one of them. I hear other moms talk about how they love co sleeping and how they can't sleep without their babies and then there's me who can count on one hand on how many times I allowed my daughter to sleep in our bed with all the reasons being that she was sick. Other than that everybody in their own beds. When she transitioned from a crib to a toddler bed she would always climb on our bed in the middle of the night and I would waste no time putting her back to her bed. She can hang in our bed all day but when bedtime comes she has to be in her own bed. Yes I know that's messed up but the thing is after dealing with her all day I need my space and peace of mind the night time and I want alone time with my husband. Also the few times we let her sleep on our bed she doesn't settle, she fights over the blankets, she sleeps all kind of crazy ways and I've decided co sleeping is not for me. My mother said I will regret it because shes only little once and once she gets older and want her own independence I will miss those clingy days so cherish them while it last. I get where she's coming from but I always smother my daughter with love. The thing is I need my sleep or else I'm a cranky little sh!t who's mad at everybody. I also would get terrible headaches. Also I'm a sahm. I was home with her 24/7 until she started school so I need my space atleast in the night time. So AITH?