
Since this thread is about a sincere question about a common problem, I’m going to give a summary of how I think this played out with everyone’s comments…

  • Roughly 93% believe that a person in a reclinable seat has the option to recline responsibly (after takeoff, after meals, and prior to landing). Reclining should happen gradually, and softly, without doing so suddenly or with force.

  • Roughly 7% seem to believe that the space behind a reclining chair belongs to them (the person behind), and not the person in the chair.

Crazily, among the 7%, are a significant portion who state, almost verbatim, “If you want to recline, then spend $500 extra IN CASE someone tall sits behind you.” ( I genuinely think these types have serious issues upstairs. There’s no other explanation.)

Here are a couple kind, caring comments from this ilk:

  • You have the right to recline but I also have the right to tap, kick, bang that seat back constantly during the flight. One notch back isn’t bad but full recline and I’m going to annoy the fuck out of you the whole fucking time.

  • Tall dude should have taken his own needs into account and selected extra legroom seats, and not inconvenienced the person in a reclining seat.

  • Probably the most important, productive point here - Dude should have said something like “Hey, I’m tall, and I could not get extra legroom seats. So, I apologize if you feel my knees in the back of your seat. I hope we can work something out.”

  • The practice of reclining in a window seat prior to pushback is frowned upon by this group.

End - Summary

I’m 6’2” and broke my back years ago. Even before my accident, I always sought out a window with a reclining seat. A non-recliner to me is highly uncomfortable on a long flight, bordering on painful. So, I purposefully pay for and pre-arrange that type seat.

Got settled in, and dude behind us tells us, over the seats, “Hey, I’m pretty tall, so don’t recline your seats.”

I replied back that I had broken my back, that my seat was broken too (it would not lock in position, which I demonstrated by moving it back and forth with my hands in the air), that I paid to have this particular type seat, but, I’d do my best.

My awesome wife chimes in “You know there are about 75 seats in the plane you can select that are extra legroom”.

A bit into the flight he actually taps me in the shoulder and tells me “it’s killing me back here, can you straighten your chair” - all the while bouncing my seat relentlessly.

As I told him up front, I continued to do my best, but upright did not work for me, and the chair kept shifting when trying for middle-ground. I didn’t interact any more and was maybe half reclined the whole way (it kept moving up and back without locking).

The way I see it, I took the time, effort, and fees to book early to get a reclining window.

His lack of wanting to pay for a legroom seat was not my issue, but his own.

After the flight, I had to hang out after the ramp to see, and freeking dude is maybe 6’3” max, just like me.

My(our) thought in this is that a recline seat is paid for to be fully reclined at any permissible time. It doesn’t depend on who is behind me. That is their responsibility to arrange for what they want, just the same as I arranged for the seat I wanted.

What is the consensus?