Rarely, yes, they come in white. I also shouldn’t have to check multiple criteria, that’s Costco’s job.

I wish they would classify it as critical. Many here can’t drive without them.

Real question here: why doesn’t the pool’s own skimmer work for the pools you cleaned? The weir might have been missing?

No, because it’s a longstanding principle that the onus is on the merchant not to overcharge, not for the consumer to be responsible for paying whatever the hell the merchant says. If the merchant rings up lower, it’s on the merchant. If it rings up higher, also on the merchant. The merchant is responsible for the accuracy of their pricing and not overcharging. Neat huh?

Ok I get that yes, so it’s more of an approximation. Still nice that you ran all that math!

If the droplets evaporate in the air on the way to the pool, that wouldn’t lower the temp of the water though.

The “actual price” isn’t just whatever the store says it is. That’s how you end up with unscrupulous business owners that bait and switch.

Your evaporation calculation factors evaporation from the pool, right? They’re probably losing more to water evaporating in transit through the air too, right?

I can’t do Sirius, they use a horrible audio codec that ruins music quality. If you want to know what I mean, listen closely to a sibilant, like an S sound. It’s especially notable when you’re just hearing someone talking without music.

I love CarPlay and Android Auto, wouldn’t go without it. Spotify lets me stream in high quality and no horrid sibilants and other overly compressed to hell sounds.

Well fuck, why post prices at all then? Just let the store charge whatever they feel like taking you for.

Yes they come in white. I’m not an expert in pearls so looking at the items at the store and I would not second guess the tag. Why would I?

I wouldn’t go that far. I would point out that AOC is of humble means and doesn’t seem to be bought and sold. She’s also not anything like those on the right.

Please don’t buy into the “uniparty” and both sides whataboutism bullshit.

How do you figure? I don’t recall the last time an electric fire destroyed part of a freeway.

Thanks for replying kindly! I am curious then why you hold this opinion given research such as this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5665161/

Not to mention which, people are susceptible to suggestion and misremembering or falsely recalling events after the fact. In fact, Psychology Today calls it common: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/false-memories?amp

That’s why she thanked him and kept coming back for more then, right?

Or is it possible that she isn’t revealing all records to this podcaster?

Which by the way, referring to your own podcast in the third person, especially with a name like Tortoise… I mean come on. Why are you granting them any credibility?

Lighting up illegal, banned fireworks inside neighborhoods increasingly close to houses each passing year.

I have never heard of this and I’ve read the traffic code of both municipalities. What’s the code number?

I’ve driven the Terrain before. It’s not fun to park but you’re exaggerating. Most parking requires only a single turn. Now, the Silverado/Sierra often requires a three point turn, or reversing is often easier.