I'm aware, just correcting their Alaskan to Alaska because Alaskan airlines isn't a thing ;)

I just got my light tuck a few days ago, great holster. Mine didn't take long to ship, I had it about 9 days after submitting the order. Worth the wait imo.

I think it's fair to assume that if someone reclined during boarding they would have no intention of making it upright again before takeoff without being told otherwise.

The "low level employees" have information. It's just that aviation is a very complex industry and has lots of things that passengers, and even customer service employees, aren't capable of understanding without an extensive education. What do you want them to do to get a mechanic up to the terminal to teach you about aircraft maintenance instead of fixing something? It's just easier to simply say "It's a weather issue" or "It's a maintenance issue." Every single person in the operation wants the flight to go just as much as you do, just let them do their thing.

What case is that NAS in? I've been looking for something like that!

I've never gotten an award before. Thank you!

First impressions are everything unfortunately but it's always important to remember, especially in an industry as widespread as aviation, that one incident doesn't define such a massive operation. It's the series of events that we should judge things on.

Exactly! Everyone is always hating on them but everyone I know that flies them loves it. And they consistently get pretty good rankings on stuff like this.

Funny that you're calling all men sexist while you assume OP is a man simply for wanting what airplane etiquette should give them, and assuming that every man's dream is to assert dominance over you, a random person, on the sidewalk. I wouldn't personally use the word tizzy for anything but I fail to see why you think tizzy is a gender specific term. Do us all a favor and stop acting like an entitled victim because one guy is weird to you on an airplane every once in a while. As a thinner guy, trust me they do it to us too.

Upon further investigation, as I initially thought, most of SkyWests fleet is owned or leased by them. Only a small portion of their aircraft are provided/financed by 3rd parties, namely the recent united deal.

Yeah I guess I phrased that incorrectly, but what I mean is any problems with the aircraft MX/Cleanliness are that of SkyWest and not the respective contract carrier because at the end of the day skw controls the aircraft.

Why? They still operate 100% independently from their contract airlines. Everything comes from them from crew to airplanes. I think it's good that they get recognized considering that no one notices that their American eagle flight isn't actually American.


It's based on reliability, customer satisfaction and timelyness. All things that American consistently has complaints about. Spirit may be a budget carrier but people get what they asked for when they booked and they knew about it going in.

People always have problems with American but not with spirit. They deserve their spot.

Sure the airplane itself has its own CG while empty but that has nothing to do with the triangle

CG is not a constant. It changes each flight as passenger and baggage amounts change as well as during flights as fuel is burned. They would also never have any practical use for a physical marking in the cabin, let alone 2.

Flight crew can see flap positions using sensors without leaving the cockpit. It's moreso for wing inspection during emergencies or to look for icing.

Oh dang, that's pretty cool. Thanks for the response!

What kind of student jobs did you work? I'm also curious how you've turned your homelab into a company, please do tell!


If its simulated youre supposed to go to da/mda to log it, if its IMC you can log it if you pass FAF.

I arrived at an airport once for a 5am departure. The aircraft had something broken so we had to deplane after we boarded. Every hour of the delay they said it would only be another hour. This happened over and over again and we didn't depart until around 9pm.

The route I was on had almost hourly departures throughout the day that had to be moved to another gate because ours was occupying their original. When we finally got to board around 8pm a slightly older woman in front of me walked up to the gate agent and was told this wasn't her flight, she had missed it over 6 hours ago because she was to stupid to see any of the notifications on her phone, read her boarding pass, or listen to thr 100s of PA announcements about their gate change. 75% of our flight had chosen to leave instead of wait out the delay so they did end up letting her on, but she "voluntarily" chose to sit around for 6 or so hours for a flight that wasn't even hers.


Got my private with a 6 pack, and IR with a G1000. I would 100% choose to do the ride with the G1000, makes it so much easier for you. Id love to get proficient in 6 pack ifr though.

Better to have and not need, than to need and not have. I occasionally carry a knife on me and use it a fair bit for random stuff. I also plan to conceal carry in the near future. Wallet and watch are self explanatory. There are way worse EDC kits on this sub

I dunno, I just work here

Where are they screwing you out of $100? You get a full refund or pay the difference to acquire a new in box item. If you don't want to "upgrade" to a new in box just don't spend the $100 and be on your way.

Also, those text people are working with multiple customers at once, the name thing is a simple mistake to make.

I dunno, I just work here

Yes, the support system that you are refusing to utilize.