Not in Virginia. You can pay $500 when you register, claim no insurance, and drive away

It’s the black socks and Birkenstocks

Not at attention, but stand when a superior enters the room, as a civilian.

I’ll be happy to take your $1000 pen and swap you a $10 Jinhao, then! 😉

Mine was a promotion from 13 to NH-IV. Plus I PCSd from OCONUS to an HCOL area. And I already had the certifications needed for the job, so I didn’t have to earn those. And it was a supervisory position as well. All that added up to great rationale as to why I “deserved” the increase.

While women should have those rights, tell me legal scholars don’t think SCOTUS overreached in Roe…? There was literally no precedent.

True. You can negotiate up to a 20% salary increase going from GS to AcqDemo. Source: me, who did it. Plus OPM.

Your agency may be limited in the percentage amount they can give for annual raises. Like 1-3%. If you score outside your compensation band numbers, they’re supposed to look at how and if they increase your salary above the nominal range. I’d ask your supervisor and HR what the pay pool is authorized to give normally, and if you score higher, what they will provide. Now, how did you score against your criteria? If within the range, not much to do except discuss with your supervisor BEFORE the year ends to determine their thoughts on your scores. The pay pool can also give bonuses (I usually take the time off award with any remainder in cash), which you can choose how to take. As a bonus, not an annual increase, your unit is not locked in to providing that year over year.

Yeah, that FUPA ruins that outfit alright

Nice. I got the Petrol as well. The nib is amazingly smooth <M>, and wet. I’m a fan. I wish it came in a standard length.

Nice. I got the Petrol as well. The nib is amazingly smooth <M>, and wet. I’m a fan. I wish it came in a standard length.