Washington Outdoors

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Quiet car camp (dispersed?) not too far from Spokane?

[Posted in another group also]
I'm disabled (I'm pretty stable on my feet, but I'm not up for super rugged adventures for now) and I'm in the midst of a long-running mental breakdown. I really want to get out for an overnight camping trip with my dogs. My particular mental state of the moment is having the wonderful effect of making it impossible for me to do the research I need to do to find a place. It brings on instant anxiety, which leads to panic if I don't stop.

I need as close to something specific as I can get. The littlest bit of figuring things out is far too much for me right now.

I'm hoping for suggestions of locations or for other possible online resources to help me look. I'll take the campground too, so any suggestions along those lines would also help.

  • I need a car-accessible campsite but I have no particular need for established campgrounds. I've done a lot of dispersed camping in the past, so if there are roads that have possible sites that you could suggest, that'd be great too.
  • I need a reasonable road that's not 4-wheel drive. Dirt is fine, just not too much for my little car with manual transmission.
  • I really want to see stars if possible.
  • I'd also like as much quiet as I can get.
  • Something less than two hours from Spokane

I have two dogs that I'll keep on leash. I can bring water and such, so I don't need campground amenities. I just want a simple overnight to start the season off.

This is a big deal for me. I've camped extensively in my life, but it's without fail been with friends and/or partners. I've never done it alone. My focus all my life has been on being a part of a pair or a group, and I've avoided focusing on caring for myself for the entirety of my 59 years. I'm finally learning what it's like to care for myself like I've always cared for others.

I want to learn how to be alone while camping and hiking, and the overnight I want to do sometime soon is the first step for me.


Anyone want to go camping?

This sub is kinda dead, but just in case anyone is here...I am looking for people to go hiking/camping/backpacking with.

I really, really need to get out into nature more. I've lived in the PNW for 4 years, live north of Seattle, & I've done a little hiking, camping and backpacking.

I have no car, I don't have any friends to do this with and I got divorced 2 years ago. So yea, all that sucks and I need to get back out into the forests.

Because I don't have a car I can pay for gas & even do the driving if your insurance permits it. Obviously we need to know each other first so we could meet somewhere, talk, etc. to determine that we are safe people.


Form regarding stationary lights during camping (1 min!!)

We have ideas to use headlamps in stationary modes such as on a tree or in the tent. We have some questions about your preferences and would greatly appreciate your input.

Answers will be anonymous

Link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLomgwqiHoQJ_p5nVMXdxXQoQROR1Sj-cxDFAfJV5GwaJKHQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

My first camping trip- How does checking in/out work?

Hello, both excited and nervous for my upcoming camping trip. When I was growing up we always camped in places that had obvious check in points, but for my trip I've booked at a state campground - Verlot to be exact - and I just have no clue how things work and it doesn't say anything other than check-in time.

Do you just drive to your reserved spot and you're good? Do you have to check in with the host? When you're finished and cleaned up, do you just drive away?

Would love some guidance here. Thanks in advance.

Day trip from seattle

Hi, some friends are visiting from California in early/mid March and want to do a nature day trip. We were originally thinking of rainier or Olympics, but that's probably not feasible. So just wondering what other cool day trips we could take not too far from Seattle (Uw area). Thanks!

Is a hot tent (wood-burning tent stove) possible for car camping in WA?

I'm a camping novice, but the idea of having a wood-burning stove in my tent sounds so nice. I've weighed out the pros and cons and the only thing that's really preventing me from biting the bullet so to speak is that I don't know of anywhere I could actually use the tent stove in western WA that isn't dispersed camping.

I'm a solo camper so I'd prefer to have my car for safety reasons. The campsites I found are strictly for campfires in designated areas only. I'm new to the area and still finding my bearings so this might seem like a stupid question.

Are there campsites where I could use a tent stove, or are they too few and far between in WA to be worth the investment?

(I am aware I can't use a wood-burning stove no matter what during burn bans.)

edit: feel free to reply even if it's been a while since I posted. I've got time to decide.

Hiking Christmas Sweater
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  • Shop now 👉

Day hike the Enchantments

Hello, I am looking to day hike the Enchantments in the Cascades this weekend (10/7) and would appreciate some company. I'm 24(m) and live in Olympia but will be staying in Seattle the night before to make the drive easier. Please lmk if you're interested and/or want to join.

Thanks, I appreciate the read.

Are recreation passes a target for theft?

I keep my car empty, but obviously have to put up my pass. I feel nervous putting up my America the Beautiful pass at more remote trailheads.

Am I overthinking this?

Camping/Parking at Beacon Rock State Park - upper camp

Hi all, sorry if this question is weirdly specific. Would anyone know how parking is for weekend camping? A friend reserved a spot but failed to pay for 2nd vehicle during the reservation. I know it’s first come first serve and we can pay upon arrival. Is it a struggle to find parking at or near our site if we’re arriving on a Saturday? The other party has a pretty large car so not sure if that would cause issues for parking. I tried searching for pics but am nervous considering it’s peak season.

Camping to see Milky Way

Does anyone know of a campsite in Washington with a good view of the Milky Way. The spot I’ve found is at sunrise point Mt Rainer park but you can’t camp there. Any ideas? (Preferably no more than 3 hours car drive form Seattle)

Tent camp w/ toddler

I am looking for a place to go on a first time tent camp with my 2 year old. Most of the S. Sound state parks are booked through most of July and August. I don't mind going inland, but I am limited to 2 hrs or less because he falls asleep in the car still. I have not camped a state park here before. Any recommendations?

Diablo Lake in TruckCamper

Hello! We are going this 4th of July to Lake Diablo in our new Scout Olympic (truck camper). We technically don't have a site for an RV, but at the same time, this is not an RV and we could still sleep there or in a tent. Does anyone know if we will get in trouble, or if it's not allowed to do this ? Curious to hear what we should do. Thx!

Still Plays Outside, Camping and Hiking
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  • Order from here ::::::👉
