Oh man, the UW Experimental College used to be the ultimate in community learning. Rick Steves got his start running a class there.

It's been sad to see UW chase prestige over authenticity.

If companies are having a difficult time finding qualified, skilled workers, why don't they train?

Recently on the Marketplace podcast, an owner of a sheet metal business explained that he was having a difficult time finding skilled young workers to replace the seniors in the business. He said that high schools should reopen shop classes or the government should subsidize tech programs. I've noticed this misalignment across numerous industries.

My understanding is that in house training and mentorship often used to be offered by companies. Relying on government and public schools seems... unrealistic.

  1. Why has this tradition gone away?

  2. Managers, what basic skills do you notice are missing?

  3. Would your organization be willing to pay for a consultant to catch these students up?

I'd love to hear your perspective

Due to the high cost of living and real estate, it's become really difficult to program community classes. It's been sad to watch these opportunities and organizations collapse over the years. It's obvious that so people could desperately use the outlet and social opportunities. For all the talk if equity... anyway.

Personally, I think 4CULTURE should directly organize and subsidize regular classes throughout the county, rather than putting so much of the work on culture workers to have to do all the legwork of creating a organization and grant writing. Education and culture workers are running on fumes, if they haven't left already.

Fremont Arts Council has lantern decorating, as well as other creative workshops. Not like a regular thing, but fun.

Luminata is coming - Cheap fabric stores for cheesecloth?

Im hoping to host a lantern making prices, but cheesecloth prices are super inflated. I'd love to buy a bolt of it.

Sewing folks, any suggestions for affordable fabrics?

Thanks all!


Downvoters ignore this at your own detriment. This is one of the most valuable comments I've seen on reddit

The reality of surviving in arts and culture is a lot like The Wire - You want it to be one way, but it's the other way.

Know the game, or you'll get played.

Ooh! Thank you.

I looked it up and see a virtual program tried to broadband grants. Is this the same program that you are referring to? If so, is there any success data?

My state has a lot of digital literacy edtech software contracts that are pretty crappy and ineffective. I've become pretty skeptical.

Yeah, childcare here is fubar due to the massive economic inequality here.

Your best bet might be to find a private babysitter for a few hours. Perhaps your company has a community networking site where you can ask for local referrals?

I've noticed a lot of people from Black, LGBTQ, etc groups seeking to move to Seattle recently. I think they are hoping that we are a safe and supportive utopia or refuge from bigotry and racism.

I think we used to be, but a lot of the communities and necessary resources have fallen apart in the last decade due to the strains of the real estate and tech exploitation. For example, Capitol Hill went from the Gaybordhood, to There goes the Gayborhood to What Gayborhood? Historically Black communities have been heavily gentrified by new tech money. Read the Seattle subs going back a few years. Watch the Wsdot traffic map to observe the traffic you might experience.

I wouldn't completely dissuade you, but the amount of disappointed transplants is a bummer. Make your choice with eyes wide open.

Honestly, see the whole board.

This specific word is from a specific native Mexican Spanish origin. There aren't that many loan words in English that US kids (if low Mexican Spanish) were regularly exposed to.

Students might have low exposure, lower memory resilience (especially post-Covid), or fossilization from the lack of one-on-one.

Setting your focus on standardized tests seems unwise for everyone. You've proven it yourself, the data is not an accurate measure of literacy nor intelligence. Scores will naturally go up focused on sound basic principles and building their self esteem and grit.

It's not worth it to shake their confidence. Im not sure many students have the capacity or skills to effectively act on that kind of feedback. Its up to you to scaffold trouble words in. No need to worry about curve balls when you have a high batting average.

Private ELL and citizenship test tutoring?

Not huge tc but you could be your own boss.

You don't offer much information about the situation, so I don't want to assume the wrong thing.

Is this bonus explicitly promised in your contract? Are you struggling under your agreed salary without the bonus?

I've never worked at an np who even bought the good pizza. Our donors would lose their mind if we did something like this.

So curious, what kind of org are you?

I love your observations! Ignore the overthinkers, this is joyful. It's not like you're a home economics teacher forcing them to co-parent a fake baby.

Idk, it seems based on OPs wording, that they are more subtle than your teachers were. Plus, when it's one teacher it's luck. When it's more than one, it's suspicious.

Thank you! I really appreciate your help and expertise!

Are there any specific quality resources that you recommend?

When I was researching online, it was difficult to sift through the low quality SEO pages.

Massive income inequality created over the last decade due to a lack of business regulation & American quantitative easing.

Outside Seattle, but Brewmasters taphouse in Renton.

They don't mix drinks, they mix people.

How to facilitate mock interviews?

Greetings managers!

I am an ELL tutor and many of my students are requesting help with interview prep. Many are in tech, but some are just younger adults who havent experienced work culture. I would also like to offer this knowledge and practice at a foster youth center where I volunteer.

The reality is...I feel completely out of my depth. I've never been on the other side and was mostly disassociated with anxiety. Part of the reason I became my own boss was to avoid interviews. Most of what I was taught was already outdated and ineffective.

Do you have any advice for me? Any resources or materials I might look into?

I appreciate your help!

Get on NextDoor. Put up a post as a tutor.

Start now, but be very concise and effective. Be respectful of her time and show you're an ally.

That makes sense. I think there are big cultural, economic, and social differences between Japan and Seattle when it comes to neighborhoods, community and properties.

In Seattle, making friends is more about intention and effort, than location. Due to overpopulation, it is difficult to be friends with someone who lives on tge other side of the city. Once you make friends, then you can move closer to your tribe.

Many people who can afford to live in newer, "Trendy" scenes trend to work all the time. Many are packed with high wage tech workers, so there isnt enough diversity to balance the community ecosystem. Many are very Isolated due to the tech worker social bubble, exhaustion, or low social skils. Neighborhood community activities are typically subsidized in, rather than existing organically due to local resident support. Most residents are transplants who expect community to be provided for them for free and little personal effort. Those neighborhoods tend to be pretty stale, because artists, culture, local restaurants, social and community spaces are priced out.

What's your budget?