You know that people who own guns don't necessarily carry them all the time or everywhere, don't you? I personally wouldn't suggest people bring weapons to most emotionally/politically/socially charged situations, public or private. But, when it has already, or is very likely to, go past being charged, into being dangerous, then defensive carrying makes sense to me.

I advocate for thinking deeply each and every time, before reaching for a weapon of any kind. Up to a certain point, they are indeed very likely to escalate the situation. But there comes a point when it tips over into a new state, and it becomes necessary to defend yourself and others. At that point, it's only reasonable to have the best tools to do so, that you can afford and be trained on.

That is so cool that you actually had brain wave monitored proof it works for you. I am really glad that I haven't had any disapproving looks and snide or judgmental remarks about my cannabis use from medical or mental health people in at least a couple of years. It began changing after legalization. It slowed at first, but it's been a while now since it's happened. I have been appropriately educated when it might interact with meds, or when my symptoms matched some symptoms that can be experienced by heavy users. I'm always happy to be educated as long as you're not going after me.

Do you mean the amounts for use? The Tiger Bloom and Grow Big are 2-3 teaspoons per gallon for general feeding, 4 teaspoons heavy feeding, every other watering. Big Bloom is 4 teaspoons per gallon for general and 1/2 cup per gallon for heavy feeding. They include a handy guide to different amounts of water, you can see it in the picture. It's in front of the bottles, inside the packaging.


As I said, I agree, *until* it becomes, or threatens to become, an existential threat to me or to groups to which I belong. When that happens (as in Tbilisi, or Russia, or Turkey, in any conservative country, and/or any number of Muslim-dominated countries), defense is an imperative, not a provocation.

*Edited: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956"

Yes, I do, and I have several. What's your point?

My first time. I've only given a couple of applications, but I have two little ones who seem to like it a lot so far.

I totally agree until it isn't just a different point of view, but it becomes an existential threat. Then what? If they limit access to weapons to such an extent that we don't even have the last option of fighting back, what then?

I grew up with nuclear bomb drills in school. For more of my life than not, we had a very real fear of random annihilation. And I've never been as watchful and concerned as I am now.

If not for my presently out of control mental health, I would absolutely be armed and trained to be so. As it is, I'd be a danger, at least to myself, if likely no one else. So I settle for being a keyboard warrior, I guess.

Sadly, I agree. I was raised by milquetoast liberals and I saw through all that early on. Each year of experience and observation has driven me further into the welcoming and armed embrace of the lefties.

The only thing stopping me from fully advocating armed rebellion is the knowledge that there are a ton of folks who would get caught in the crossfire who very much wouldn't deserve it. That thought haunts me because I think it's a real possibility.

That was me just not remembering the better spelling and being too damn lazy to look it up. I just fixed it. I appreciate the nudge.

Ordered extra by mistakeHelp

My brain has an unfortunate habit of buying things that are bigger than I thought, or there are more of them than I thought. I try to be careful, but it still happens. I did that with these, I wanted one batch and I guess I ordered two.

If anyone is in need, hit me up. I'm asking for $25 for the three, they go for $34 on Amazon.


Pride in Spokane means somethingnsfw🏳️‍🌈Spokane Pride 🏳️‍🌈

Pride in Spokane is likely to be safe and enjoyable, yet it's important to remember that the forces in our area that would see it stopped and who would attack it are only held back by the thinnest of threads. Only constant vigilance and effort keep those people from doing what citizens and cops in other countries do when people try to put on Pride marches. As several people noted in another post, Pride began with a riot and continues to be an in-your-face event that demands human rights for all.

The assholes around here are cosplaying tough guys so far, but give them a tiny crack in the door and they'll change fast. If they felt supported, they would no longer be afraid to show their faces, then we all would need to watch our backs, not just LGBTQ+ folks.

Every moment of resistance, at work, with family and friends, and in law and politics, they all mean something, and all those times we push back against bigotry we keep the people who want us erased at bay. We starve them of oxygen culturally, when they can't show their face for fear of the repercussions. If we stop, they win.

Tbilisi Georgia, 2021 Right-wing crowds attack the offices of the Pride committee causing the march to be canceled.

Kyiv 2015 Attacking a cop while trying to break up a Pride parade

Russia 2018

The nicest possible encounter with an anti-LGBTQ+ protester. Serbia 2023

Tiblisi again, 2021 Look at those fuckers

No shade on effeminate men, but otherwise I'm with you. He would have to be some kind of next level talented guy to make up for the ocean of awful that man swims in all the fucking time.

I smoke to help regulate my outrageously intense mental health, and I think I smoke a lot, but I go a year on two or even one and a half plants I grow. Am I not smoking "a lot", really, do you think? Silly question, I know it's all relative, I'm just trying to put myself in the position of having 8 plants worth to smoke and I don't see how I'd even have the time to smoke that much. And for real, no shade at all, I'm just curious.

Also, does it work as well for your epilepsy as I've heard people say it does? From the testimonials I've heard, it sounds like an incredible help. I hope so. I've never had a seizure, but I've been here for my wife when she had them, as her dementia progressed. As someone unfamiliar with them at the time, it was terrifying for me to witness her go through the first time!

It's such a weird thing to me seeing how many people I see proudly proclaiming their unwillingness to read anything longer than two or three sentences. I get that it might be longer than you want, what I don't get is the desire to boldly announce it to the author and the world. Is it a patience thing, or an anti-intellectual thing? Truly, no shade, I'm just baffled.

Woah! I wasn't expecting that. I'm going to look him up. I think Country music can be seen as having a constant conversation with itself about what Country music even is. I love that anyone can join that conversation and have something valuable to add to it.

I apologize for taking so long to respond, It's been particular two weeks, and I couldn't.

I appreciate your offer so much! I've thought about it in general, and now your offer specifically, and I think I'd feel safer about his situation if anything does happen to me, if I could find a group (that seems like it'll be around for a while, of course).

It seems a group might be more likely to maybe have changes to volunteers but if it's still around, it can still take care of him. Individuals, however much they offer with love and an intention to take him in, can very easily have any number of changes in their lives that would mean they couldn't take him if that time came. When thinking it out, it seems a group would have at least some more resistance to those things that can happen to individuals.

But again, thank you so much. I love your desire to help and your offer. It warms me. <3

And, I hope you get your house! As an apartment dweller most of my adult life, the immense sense of calm and even a kind of mental safety I feel in a house makes me so grateful. Not to have other humans either doing something that annoys me, or me constantly worrying if my clattering around and my music is annoying them is priceless to me. Good luck!

I missed this comment somehow, sorry! That's sweet that you keep the urns from your mom's cats, as well as from your own. I buried one of my wife's cats out back 4 or 5 years ago and later planted a rose over him. My wife has advanced dementia and lives in an adult family home now. On top of that, this cat was constantly terrified and didn't relate to me at all. Even so, every time I water that rose I tell him what a good job he did giving his body back to the soil and making it a good place for the rose (which is thriving).

These animals don't have a choice usually when they come into our homes and share our lives, it seems to me they deserve even more love and respect because of that. I'm more than willing to share my other memories with all those of all the animals I've known, cared for, loved, or just encountered at the end, even if it's not easy to carry them. It's a small price to pay. Grief is tough as hell, but it keeps them present in me.

This video of Billy Bob Thorton talking about grieving his brother, who died at a young age, has been going around and keeps popping up on my screen. I haven't had the greatest feeling about ol' Billy over the years he's been splashing around in the public eye, but after this, I feel deep compassion and a rush of love for him. Not as a celebrity, just for another human who feels things I know well.

I wonder often if people in more communal cultures experience grief differently. I expect they must. If they've seen a range of people around them getting sick or growing old and then dying all their lives, it must hit them differently. Not necessarily more or less, but I'm sure it must be different. I wonder if it gives them a perspective that allows them to process it or find a place to keep it in their minds where it's still powerful and strong, of course, but if it maybe helps them see the balance easier. I wonder.

I'll check it out anyway. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm looking forward to it. It's been far too long.

LOL! I'm responding to your comments where you write that asking is just a waste of time and no one will tell me anything. I'm not even coming back at you. First, I clarified and then I asked a question. I'm not doing anything more than that. I know asking and continuing to engage can be seen as attacking, but that's not what's happening from my end. I don't think you're doing that either, for what that's worth. I'm happy to stop.

Less than two hours is what I'm shooting for. The closer the better, but balancing with it not being incredibly busy if possible.

Cool! I'll go look at that right away. Thanks!