My post isn’t in regards to people and I’m not claiming anything, simply asking if this could possibly be Murphy.

Why not make it about "people" also though? Why not post asking if that could be Ethan you see in the shadows? Because that would be baseless and ridiculous. And there's your answer. Just like suggesting Murphy might be there.

It’s only about a block away

As the crow flies maybe, but those parking lots don't connect back there. It would mean going down to Taylor, across, then back up. Extremely, extremely unlikely.

Obviously your opinion is no.

It's beyond just opinion. This is in the range of a statistical anomaly so unlikely that its occurrence borders on the realm of impossibility. Dismissing it as untrue isn't merely subjective skepticism; it's an acknowledgment of its infinitesimal likelihood.

And dogs stretch as well

Not relevant, my point was in regard to your claim that it was "waist high" when leaning implied it was a dog. It doesn't.

I think the size is bigger

It's not as big as Murphy. But it's not only the size, it's the proportions, which are that of a cat, not Murphy.

Although Murphy was found in the morning, that doesn’t automatically mean he was there the entire time

Well, I guess the same is true of the victims. Maybe the male you see walking at 3:15 is Ethan, and you should make a post claiming that to be true as well. It would make just as much sense. We don't have any firm evidence on where Ethan was at 3:15... he apparently arrived home around 1:45 am and was found the next morning just before noon. So surely, that means the man you claim to see on the Linda Lane cam is Ethan.

police have said they don’t know his location at the time of murders

Right, and all people with common sense take that to mean they don't know if he was in Kaylee's room the entire time, or elsewhere in the house. Not that they're saying maybe he was over on Linda Lane. But they're also saying the murders were around 4:20, not 3:15.

Also, if the video is too blurry to discern then we can’t discern whether it’s a cats tail swaying either.

Right... sway of hips, tail swaying... neither is provable, there is no "evidence" there.

The Linda Lane videos exist, which instantly seems to have made people think they must contain critical evidence, just because they exist. There's no reason to believe that. This all exists in your head.

The video is too blurry to make out a slight "sway of hips", though what you might be seeing is cat-tail movement side-to-side that shifts the shape of the blob of body. It's impossible to discern level of "fluffiness" in that low-res video. And cats stretch, it's what they do, so might appear longer/higher for a bit. We agree the tail is catlike. Is that a pole, or a fence that the cat leaned up on, then jumped? What is definitely true is that the slim/small profile/size/shape of this animal is nothing like that of Murphy. There must be dozens of animals in that larger area. Murphy was found inside 1122 and there's no reason to believe he ever left, and no reason to think this animal is Murphy. You can have your opinion, but IMHO, this is so bizarre and baseless it's misinformation and creating false rumors.

Yes, the omission of any mention of what they have from the phone really stands out.

Of course, they're all aware of the 4chan stuff. And yet those people have all presumably been cleared. So to talk about or spread that information now could invite problems. Which is I assume what your warning was about also. Not everything posted here was even redacted successfully.

Which is exactly why my comment simply directed the OP to a Google or Reddit search. I'm immediately wary of any request for this stuff. Easy enough to provide, but maybe not wise to do so.

Maybe. Though this would be more than just training and monitoring - Othram actually did the work. And the Othram contract was designed for cold-case work, not routine processing of new cases, so I have to wonder just how "constant" that work really is. Would they have planned for a constant steady stream of Idaho cold cases with DNA coming in? They initially identified only 15 cases back in 2021.

Apparently it's a fine line between trolling misinformation, and thought-provoking misinformation.

Not my take, but easy enough to ignore I guess.

Thanks! So there's trumpet in that audio somewhere? And Ben dancing.

Frat house, not sorority.

Easy to find what you're looking for with some basic Google (or Reddit) searching.

If you look at the tree in Google Streetview, it looks to have been healing from some prior damage already (as of Aug. 2022)... trail side, lowest 2 feet or so... the dark part in the photo here.

In that case, I think I would've made a very wide loop around and casually caught the front plate on the cam.

It doesn't. And it's clearly not Murphy, it's a small cat. And yet right now this post is 67% upvoted, says reddit. SMH.

could have been Othram the whole time analyzing the sample

Interesting theory! Might explain some things. Seems like a for-profit company operating out of a State agency would be unusual though, even though they did have a contract for services.

That's the story. Lots out there on that if you search for it.

What frat was HJ

My understanding is that HJ was not in the same frat as Ethan. He mentioned at the memorial that he wanted Ethan to rush his frat (Phi Delta Theta), but that Ethan chose Sigma Chi instead.

There's been some confusion, because he shares the same first name as Ethan's triplet brother (who was also Sigma Chi), and members of the same frat are known as "brothers". The term "half-brother" came into it also somehow, but I think that's just a mistake.

EDIT: Also, the fight/argument reports aren't about a rival frat, they're about Ethan's own Sigma Chi.


With the 6 objects being the cloaking device?

Pretty sure police & EMTs are in Moscow also. The term "first responders" in general I usually see referring to all LE, Fire, and emergency aid responders collectively. But above, sounded like it meant first onto the murder scene.

Anything is possible I guess. I don't know how close HJ & Ethan were, just the impression I've gotten. If they really were close, and that can be shown, then I'd think the defense would have to be wary of appearing to grasp at straws to such a degree that the grasping is what makes an impact, instead of any plausible reasonable doubt.

I took first responders above to mean "first into the house". Word is that that was police, and that they arrived before EMTs and waved off the EMTs when they arrived.

It's conceivable it was planted, it's just not something that would be my first assumption.

It's also conceivable someone he knew had showed him the knife in the days prior, so he'd handled the sheath.

Or there was an unknown 3rd party who he'd touched, who then transferred his DNA to the sheath at a later time.

Or he'd owned a Ka-Bar and sheath, which was then stolen and used in the murders.

Or that the sample itself was contaminated at some point, or that there were errors in processing it.

Or that he really was at the scene, and dropped the sheath there.

Those seem like the possible options to me. I haven't decided on one.

That isn't even a "casual" walk, from 1122. Would make no sense for Murphy to be over there.

It also is smaller than Murphy, and moves distinctly like a cat. And there is no human seen with it.