Hi all! I’d love to hear about others’ experiences in telling others they are taking weight loss medication.

I found myself in a weird situation in which I told a few girlfriends who must have told their husbands. I had one of their husbands say to me later at a hang out, “so… you’re taking the shots, huh?” And I felt so weird about it! I realized I didn’t want my weight loss journey to be public information.

I have also had a friend notice I had lost weight and then kind of shift the conversation towards Ozempic and Wegovy, and it almost felt like she was trying to get me to confess or admit I was taking it. It’s hard to explain. I felt uncomfortable so all I said was “yeah, I just eat way less, small portions” which is not a lie, but not the truth. I just feel weirdly private and protective because now I know my personal choices will get talked about without me present.

So anyway- would love to hear your take on your own experiences with telling others. Are you an open book? Do you have boundaries? Is it no one’s business?