I was with my company for 15 years and when they decided to do a return to office I started job searching. I know leaving a company after that amount of time is scary but I have found another WFH job that pays better, has better benefits, a pension and more pto. I’m so much happier now and don’t regret leaving at all.

This hits home for me on many levels. My mental health revolves so much around my weight. I started ozempic and have lost over 40 pounds and it’s been life changing for me. Therapy helps a lot but seeing the change in my body has helped me focus more on other things outside my weight.

I have not fainted yet on this medication but I am a fainter. Typically I faint if I haven’t eaten or I faint during a panic attack. If you aren’t typically a fainter I would recommend going to the doctor to check bloodwork and blood pressure. I have felt the same symptoms leading up to fainting like ear ringing and sweating but haven’t actually fainted and I’ve been on this medication since February. Lost 40 pounds so far.

I’m more than happy to talk about the “shots” with anyone. Actually I wish someone had told me about this years ago. I know a lot of my friends and family struggle with weight and I’m the first to say proudly how I’m losing weight in hopes that they do the same and get healthy and feel better. I’m happy to say I have 4 friends that started on the shots (either Wegovy or Sema) and they are doing great and are so appreciative that I told them about this. I honestly don’t understand why the secrecy or embarrassment. I want everyone to know and have access to anything that will help them be healthy and happy.

I wouldn’t consider working at GEICO again. After almost 2 decades working there, I sit back and remember the favoritism, supervisors who were actively trying to get you to quit or get you fired, the fake happiness, the distrust, the secrecy, ….I mean pretty much every red flag there is to a toxic workplace. Never again

I have but I feel that the potency is not as strong. I’m having to do 2 shots a week instead of 1 and it still doesn’t feel as strong as the sema I got from olympia

Everyone has a different love language. Yours is to surprise her with things which is very similar to what my husband does. Surprise dinners and date nights are his way to show me how much he loves me. Her love language could be different. I’m not a surprise person but I am a very good gift giver. I find funny and silly things to give him and I always find very thoughtful gifts for him on Christmas and birthdays. Gift giving is not his strong point so I do all the shopping for gifts for the family. He has health issues and I always make sure he has his medicine on time and rub his back and legs when they ache. This is my love language for him. I think if you don’t know your spouses love language or you want your same love language reciprocated you have to communicate that with your spouse. I know if my husband wanted me to surprise him like he does me, he would be terribly disappointed because I’m terrible with surprises. Sit and think about things your spouse does for you. It could be as simple as making your coffee every morning or packing your lunch for work. Those things could be her love language for you. Biggest thing is communication. Talk to each other. Also moving to a new city can be stressful and lonely. If she’s not good at making new friends perhaps you guys can join a club or something together. I think when things get tough and to a point where you just get resentful and stop communicating, it’s at a point where some counseling could help and on top of that adding a baby to the mix would be extra stress on the relationship too. Some patience, love and compassion will go a long way. Good luck to you.

Effective 5/15 law passed where there is no carco requirement. This is for policies effective 5/15 so if you don’t want to do the inspection just cancel and start a new policy

Find a Chevy chase or Montgomery county sub Reddit and ask about rentals or roommates. That area is on the pricier side and the traffic all over the DMV is terrible so if I were you I would try to find something close to the office that would be ideal.

This has happened to me and what I have done to help is take a week or 2 off and start again. The off week is tough to stay focused and keep in a calorie deficit but I have noticed the medication works better and I’m able to get over weight loss stalls if I take shorts breaks from the medication.

Always have a plan. It took me 2 months to find a job I quit then. Start looking now

I know this sounds boring but maybe making a schedule for the intimate times. If you’re good with once a week schedule sexy time. Have a romantic dinner maybe try something new. And on nights she cant be intimate, maybe a handy? Maybe try giving her a sexy massage? Sharing sexual energy with your partner is very important but there are other things that make a good relationship too. I’m rooting for you guys. I hope you’re able to figure this out

Triz is typically more expensive. I would prefer triz over sema because I hear it works better but it’s too expensive

If you do end up ordering directly from them can you let us know if it’s a good product and what the cost was? I’m currently having issues with quality from a pharmacy mochi health is using.

That’s good to hear. With me maybe because I started with another pharmacy sema and lost 22 pounds in about 7 weeks and then changed to this pharmacy I noticed a huge difference it strength. I’ve even played around with the dosage and have pretty much tripled the dosage (almost the entire syringe) and no difference whatsoever. It’s puzzling for sure

I read on the Henry meds sub that someone did get it tested and it was mostly saline and not the dosage of sema on the label. It’s crazy to think a pharmacy could get away with doing this. I wonder who we could contact to get a FDA case opened on them?

Same. I mean almost an entire syringe and nothing. It’s crazy because when I first started and it was the other pharmacy sema I was on .25 which was to the 10 on the syringe. Such a small amount but big difference.

Price I switched from g plans to mochi

I switched providers and went from Olympia pharmaceuticals to Hallandale and I’ve noticed a huge difference in quality. Huge. Hallandale I my opinion is more saline than sema for sure.

I thought I was maybe just getting used to the medication but I’ve increased the dosage by double and then triple and nothing. No difference at all. So far from what I felt the first couple months of the other pharmacy. Good thing is the first couple months got me in good habits and I lost 22 pounds. Since the switch to Hallandale I have only lost 8 pounds in 2 months and struggling still with food noise. It’s a noticeable difference for sure and if I had started with the Hallandale I probably would’ve just quit taking it because it wasn’t working

It’s mixed with saline solution but I have a feeling it’s more saline than sema. I researched this a little more and the pharmacy has had a lot of complaints for watering down the sema