the fact ozempic face is literally just losing fat around your face like yes that’s the goal

Yes Maalox is the same - I always get the generic Mylanta anyways - omprezole takes about a month to work but the other two should be providing you more relief. I do think maybe add some gas x in there to try and break up more of that gas that could be causing the sharp pain. Also make sure you are eating something because I always got sicker when I don’t eat.

also the medications that are prescriptions like protonix and omprezole are not immediate relief - they take a while to start being effective in your system.

I’ve had GERD attacks that have felt like a heart attack and scared me so bad that I went to the Er.

However I usually get over it the next day or so… I have been on omprezole for several years and can pretty much eat what I want within reason - obviously nothing super super spicy or greasy or too bad etc.

Right now though maybe pick up some Mylanta - that’s basically what the ER gives as a “GI cocktail” without the lidocaine. Also maybe get some high dose Gas X - the pain is usually trapped gas.

Once you get on something or better answers - it’s really manageable though.

i just signed up to enter into our state fair - my county doesn’t do a fair - i’m excited to just participate because i doubt i’ll win anything

i tell everyone i’m open about it idc if they judge me because they haven’t lived my life - all my coworkers and friends are very supportive though

i’ve been on 30 mg adderall for years - honestly when i feel like i need it less than i used to since taking the shots - also i mean it’s an amphetamine so you probably got like a higher heart rate and that translated to feeling more like anxiety - i think it’s probably more your body getting used to adderall than an adverse reaction between meds

everyone responds differently - those friends might be super responders and you will fill differently once you go up in dosage

before i got zofran i used nauzene and that helped a little - which is an OTC med but nothing like zofran

see if his dr can get like a zofran prescription as well - i was nauseous all the time and then hunger presented itself as nausea so i needed the big boy meds for it

it’s very normal to get sick when you move up on dose - the 1.0 was super rough for me / but you honestly probably need to eat something / drink a protein shake etc

i’d rather get my packages within six months if it means not having confetti

my dr keeps track of that - i will copy it down next time - if i recall correctly a few apts ago i had lost like several around my bust and thighs but unfortunately these pants have a bit of elastic around the back so they always adapted i will probs do a better outfit for the future and just go off that


here you go! it’s based off a shirt Taylor released in 2020 - the same shop framed it for me and i plan on entering it in my state’s fair this summer - took me four months to do.

so resellers can’t post my pics acting like it’s theirs - a lot of ppl do that with her signature

local! it’s a cross stitch store who offers framing

what site did you have worse side effects with? i’ve always done my thigh because i read it was lesser but i still get side effects