This is an interesting thread. Thanks OP

I figured from watching the Netflix documentary, 5 years is the max one can expect to be on the team. Also, I noticed that a lot of the women were young so maybe they want to keep a "youthful" appearance?

Sounds like mgmt is under paid and over worked. Possibly short staffed as well. Speaking as a Property Manager ....

I haven't had Bismallah in so long! Yummy

I just moved on site. I try to avoid the residents by taking the stairs vs the elevator. So far, only one person has approached me about something work related.

I lived on site over ten years ago and things were fine. I think someone only knocked on my door, once. But it was a property with a young demographic .. lots of college students. . Now I am living at an A property with many professionals.

With the cost of living rising, I decided to live onsite as the property is fairly new. Before moving, I did look at many other communities and the rent was $2300-$2600 for a one bedroom. I decided to bite the bullet and take advantage of the rental discount. I am paying the same rate I was paying previously at an older community.

I like the flexibility of going home for lunch.

Remember that you attract what you put out ! I always think of that before I do something with bad intentions. You will just block your own blessings

I do not really mention it. It's not anyone else's business

Keep looking for something better ! I have been there before. I made my mind up that I deserve to work at a better quality community and I am so thankful, EVERYDAY, that I am at an A class asset. However, not to say that it is easier keeping up with the demands of the residents and the upkeep of the property.

Just know that you do not have to settle for the slums and you deserve a better property with better pay!

Suite Lounge, Virtue, Signia Hotel sports bar, Thrive, Glenn Hotel bar, Vanity Restaurant and Bar

Not surprised. This in combination with the chemicals in food today, I'm sure, contributes to the rising rate of colon cancer and diabetes

You would be surprised. Invesco, Goldman Sachs, Met Life ... to name a few

If I am not mistaken, this investigation started in by claims of unfair pricing in DC and Arizona


Wow! Thank you for this information. I am a property manager and Buzzuto has a few buildings here in Atlanta. I wonder who else is under investigation besides the two companies named in this thread.

For me, the unrealistic expectations from the institution ownership

I feel as though I need more info to contribute. What is the weekly traffic like? What are the comps occupancy, traffic and promotions being run compared to your subject property ? How does the property overall compare to the comps? What is the age of the property? Lastly, have you evaluated the leasing agent(s) performance?

I would love if I could see what part of town a place is located. Some have a neighborhood listed, some do not. So you have click on the class and scroll down to the map to see where the business is located. So annoying!!

I recently signed up for "notify me" if a class becomes available. I have clicked on the notification right when I received it only to be met a message stating the class is unavailable. This has happened twice.

6:30 for the Atlanta area gyms

To stay consistent with Fair Housing all occupants over the age 18 must be named as a leaseholder on the lease. All Leaseholders have to be screened.

Add Borax to your load! It works to rid of oils and dead skin cells on fabrics

Are these press-on nails?

Dekalb Farmers Market

I have had luck with the Luci Le Beau tea and a colon cleanse pill. I also do colonics monthly too

This OP is exactly why I am hesitant on signing up. I looked at few studios in my area and the majority of the classes were booked. I like Club Pilates but I do not like there limited number of classes.