Thank you! I definitely think it’s worth it. This too is why I decided to give it a try. This was my last ditch effort to shed the weight for good. There’s a lot of telehealth providers out there though that will be a lot cheaper than paying full price for name brand. That’s the option I went with. It’s compounded semaglutide. A fraction of the cost and I’m living proof that it works just as well.

For me was definitely worth it. Tried everything imaginable to lose weight. A few pound here and there only to gain it back. I’m on week 7 and down 18 pounds.

Yes. It could be. I don’t really look at the measurements because I find them not to be very accurate. It says my waist is 5 inches bigger than it is. I just like to look at the difference in the scan pictures.

I suffered with constipation prior to starting and was petrified of this side effect. I tried to get ahead of it. I take a cap full of Miralax every morning and 1 mag citrate pill at bedtime and go like clockwork every morning. I haven’t been this regular in over 10 years. If you get ahead of it you won’t have any issues.

Are you talking about manually vacuuming the pool? The robot doesn’t need to be hooked up to anything. Just a power source.

I did take a day 1 pic. But haven’t taken any since because I don’t see a difference in the mirror I didn’t think another picture would be needed. I guess now would be the time to do that 🤔

Yes. Yes. And yes. 1000% worth it. I throw mine in once a day and never have to manually vacuum my pool. Best purchase. Go for it. I have a Dolphin Nautilus CC. My pool is a little bigger 25,000 gallons. But it’s so worth it

Protein shakes or protein bars all those airport shops sell them. Beef jerky. Cheese sticks.

Thank you!!! Cheering you on as well ❤️❤️

Yessss! I do it every Friday 😂 but I’m only on week 7. I never compared the different scans until today and was floored that I could see that much of a difference

Generally it is prescribed for people only with a bmi of 30 or higher and considered to be obese.

I use an app. It’s called Me Three Sixty and completely free

No. Not a medical body scan. It’s an app called Me Three Sixty.

Yes!!! You can compare them week to week. I never compared until today. My side profile is crazy to me. The difference in my belly. It also will give you measurements. I don’t find those to be accurate but just looking at the scan helped me so much to realize there is actually a difference.

It’s called Me Three Sixty. Completely free.

If it was me I would do my 4th week at .25 since you missed a week. That’s just me though. Only you know how you feel.

Yes 100%. A day or 2 either way is fine.

I’m on week 7 as well and I noticed and increase in sweating while exercising as well for the first 4-5 weeks. I haven’t noticed it as much recently it seems to be slowing down. I however have not yet increased my dosage yet because I continue to see results on .25.

People who judge people for not telling anyone they are on a GLP-1 have not walked in their shoes. It’s someone’s choice to tell or not to tell. It’s not for anyone to say that you pissed them off for not sharing. It’s a personal preference and nobody has the right to tell someone that they need to share how they did something.

You should probably talk to your doctor. Maybe incorporate a stool softener. I suffered with constipation prior to starting and was afraid of this side effect. I take a cap full of Miralax every morning and one mag citrate capsule before bed and I’m able to go every morning.

It has definitely made it easier for me. I’m now able to stick to my calorie deficit and am able to avoid binging for the first time in years.