
r/Kenya146.9K subscribers36 active
Share your business/hobbies/Job Opportunities/Job requests!! - May 20, 2024pinned post

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Link your business, blog, app, your friend's YouTube channel, podcast, anything you would like us to know about.

You can also post job opportunities or even a job request. You can also let us help you by providing feedback on your work, CV etc. but please be careful about sharing personal information.

This is the only place where posting ads will be allowed.

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  1. Dealing with an addiction- "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  2. Sad & Depressed - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  3. Broke and Lonely - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  4. Heartbroken and cheated on- "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  5. Unemployed - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  6. Regrets about the past & anxious about the future - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  7. Mad at other people for treating you unfairly - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  8. Resentful of evil people getting all the good things in life - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  9. Life is unfair to you - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  10. You are a good person and life is unbearable - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  11. Rich relatives watching you sleep hungry - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  12. Add yours........

Take full ownership of your life! Stop making your life other people's responsibility. If other people help you, well and good. But if they don't, kill that entitlement inside of you.

r/ships majuuRant

I recently moved abroad and since I didn't book accommodation before it was hard finding one here. A 'friend' insisted I stay with him since he had an extra mattress. initially, I was to stay for a few days as I looked for places to rent, he then suggests that I stay the entire month so that I could save on rent for this month. it was a good idea then, I obviously agreed.

fast forward to Saturday as I was leaving for work he makes breakfast and says we should talk. I asked about what, he say 'us'. The guy has a whole family in Kenya, wife and 2 kids. WTF??? He's ready to risk losing his family for someone he's met 2 weeks ago that has zero interest in him. Do men ever think things through? And it's quite normal over here, they talk about having gfs and wives home like it's normal.

I've never given him any hints or flirted, he's never suggested that he even likes me. Before moving in I made sure that he wasn't interested in me romantically.

I've been acting mad since then and today morning he says we still have to talk. I told him you have a wife and kids there's nothing to talk about

long story short I'm moving out today. I just feel sorry for the wife and kids back home.

Why are Kenyans so disgusting and nasty online?nsfwAsk r/Kenya

Seriously, why does kenya have a reputation of being an incredibly nasty community online.? People have zero filters to what and how they talk to others. An absurd amount of lack of respect coupled with uncivilized behavior. Zero filters and an incredibly toxic culture.

Where did this behavior originate? Is is due to the lack of consequences? Why do Kenyans use the internet for the worst possible uses humans can do? From underage sexual uses, porn, online scams, insults, harassment, false reporting when criticized, mass harassment of individuals, foul mouths, threats, scams, toxicity.. etc

Can someone please explain where this toxic online culture came from? Especially the online bullying..

Do people understand that these actions have already been noticed internationally and only go to work against the Kenyans community? Kenyans have already got a reputation online just the same way Nigerians got their reputation as being scammers.

Lowering headlights for oncoming traffic Ask r/Kenya

I’ve been living in Kenya for almost a year and at night it seems like everyone uses their high beams all the time at night. The high beams I’m referring to are the blue headlight icon that flood the road, the trees, and the other drivers’ eyes with light. It seems like no one lowers their lights for oncoming traffic. Should I not lower my headlights for oncoming traffic while driving in Kenya, or am I missing something?

Starlink Test in Nairobi - UpdateDiscussion

Hi everyone,

I wrote an extensive review on Starlink in Nairobi / Kenya. I wanted to update this with some additional information I gathered the last few weeks, especially since the sale has been extended to June 10th.

Thunderstorms: The service does drop during severe thunderstorms and the very heavy rains that happen these days. However, it's usually for a few seconds, minutes max. Compared to the many days without internet we had during rains, this is actually an improvement for anyone who struggles with their ISP during the rains.

Gaming: I don't play particularly much but because people had asked I tested it during different times of the day and with different games... it works without issue. I have been playing COD and The Finals on European servers with very few issues. Latency hovers around 100ms - which is just fine. It's a huge improvement compared to before though - as on fibre internet, I would get 200-220ms to Europe and often not very well stocked servers in the Middle East.

Speeds: These continue to amaze me. I did a lot more testing and usually, when the weather isn't too bad, clouds are no problem, you get north of 200mbps. During rains, it will go down to around 100. During thunderstorms, it can drop below 40. I tend to get more and more above 300mbps speeds - not sure if this is because the dish has fully adjusted to the location but it's honestly great to see.

Customer Service: I also had some conversations with customer service, asking them about how to get the most out of the dish and about their future plans. I also had to cancel an accessory order. The customer service is very responsive, much more so than our Kenyan ISPs.

Hope this is helpful for some.

I was Mistreated by a colleague, the boss is a neighbour. Should i let her know?Ask r/Kenya

Hi guys, so i used to intern at a high level govt office. Things were pretty confidential. I had my own desk and space. A new lady came in, Loise. Almost immediately she was on my case asking intrusive personal questions when nobody was around.

One day she asks me if I've ever had a girlfriend. I said yeah. She asks me if i was heartbroken, i said no. She then asks if that relationship made me hate women. I said no i dont hate women. She asked me again if i hate women whispering "you can trust me" i replied no i don't. She asked me again and again and again. I kept on saying no. Eventually the 10th time i got tired so i said yes. She said youve confessed. It was so weird.

Later i had to go do the bar exam so i took leave. When i came back i sat on my desk. She told me there's someone sitting there i get out and look for some place to sit. I said what? She stood up walked to me, took my bag pushed it on my chest and said this is high level office with very sensitive information go sit somewhere else. So i left. I turned to get my stuff but she had already locked the door.

Anyways a law firm i had applied to called at the very same moment. I decided to leave that govt office. On my way to say my goodbye the boss sees me. She calls me and asks "why are you leaving, did someone Chase you away?" I said no. As fate would have it she recently moved into our neighbourhood along kiambu road. I see her every now and then. Should i tell her about my encounter with Loise or i just let it go?

If you are called Remy, what's your real name? Ask r/Kenya

Is it Jeremy? Karemi? Or did your parents really name you Remy? Why?

What about Lemmy?

Anyway, happy Monday ya'll.

Kenya Finance Bill 2024 - Pros & Cons Business

Incase you have time, kesho Tuesday, 21 May 2024 from 9-10:30am (EAT) PWC will be hosting this ... see link Kenya Finance Bill 2024 - Pros & Cons | Virtual event

My brother is Dead!Rant

I have been crying since Wednesday and since my introverted ass doesn't have any friends I thought this might be a good way to vent out.

On Monday evening my brother went to spend the night at our aunt's place. He went back home the next morning, and at 10 he started saying he wasn't feeling well. He couldn't describe exactly but he complained the whole body ached. They took him to a clinic and they suspect malaria so he was given some malaria drugs. Later that evening he became worse, so they took him back again to the clinic as he was crying that he was in pain. They took a test and nothing was found, so he was given some pain meds and told to still take the malaria medication.

In the morning of Wednesday, he woke up his knees, elbos and eyes swollen and he was crying, one could tell he was in a lot of pain. They took him to St. Luke's Eldoret where they did a CT scan, but they said they couldn'tsee anything. At this point he is crying and in excruciating pain. So they do more tests but nothing is found. The doctor's finally suggest he be put in a coma so they could go deeper into his body. They proceed and a 10+ tubes are inserted into his body.... a few hours later, he is pronounced dead. Later a close examination of the CT scan reveals that he might have had a case of rheumatic fever which had remained mild while doing the damage.

He was a sweet little boy who loved animals to death. He was very sharp in school and had even started writing simple computer programs. Thinking about how much pain he went through breaks me little by little. To make matters worse we now have this huge hospital bill (Ksh 1,345,00) that we need to clear before they release the body. I am completely shattered and don't know what to do. We do have a small fundraising but that is not showings any positive outcomes.

Anyway, to you, an online stranger, thank you for listening. Stay safe.

Edit: Thank you all very much for the wishes, makes me feel better. I've had a few people inbox about the fundraising, please feel free to donate though MPesa: Moses: 0798351815 Thank you all.

Political Discussion

Just read up on the way Iran is governed and it's funny

Yaani huyo president ni puppet tu juu he even can't elect the foreign affairs minister let alone the defense minister

Now here is the Supreme Leader who ⬇️

He is also the CiC and can dismiss the Vice President or the ministers if he wishes so

He also nominates the president (suggest a couple of names) who are subject to scrutiny to a council before being elected by the people

Alafu the supreme leader rules for life and gets to choose his heir so it's not necessarily ancestral

Also anyone who opposes the supreme leader faces punishment

Do you think this would work in Kenya and if so who would you want to be the Supreme Leader

Edit: Doesn't choose the heir but rather is part of the council that chooses the heir


How can we oppose it properly? Are there lawyers here conversant with law language?

It seems we can give our suggestions for this bill. Can we start a discussion here and/ or ongoing chat to thoroughly understand the bill's implications?

I mean to understand each sentence and paragraph and how to modify it.

How do we know our suggestions will be taken seriously?

Can we share a WhatsApp link here ?Discussion

Guys I created a Swahili only WhatsApp group to meet new people and improve my Swahili : https://chat.whatsapp.com/FAvWQHfVYbx9WUDtYcgQGn

Question about UdemyAsk r/Kenya

Kenyans teaching online courses on Udemy, are we doing similar numbers? I've been doing 50$\month since January 2024, however, I feel my sales plateaued. Is this normal for Udemy courses? If not, how do I get out of this slump? I tried marketing my courses but I don't have a big audience and everything is super niche.


Insurance related questionAsk r/Kenya

Regarding car insurance.

If your car got into an accident and it was the other party’s fault and you claim insurance for the damages, then the following year when you renew insurance your insurance company tells you that your insurance has gone up by 40% because of the claims from the year before.

Is this allowed😭

by redit0r69Nairobi City
FriendshipAsk r/Kenya

I’m going through it right now, the lonely phase. Anyway, what are some signs your friendship with your Best Friend is over? I recently paid for my best friends passport to come keep me company for while overseas but never showed up and she made friends already and I feel like a third party and feels like they are talking about me sharing my stories and we rarely talk nowadays. Should I let go?

How do people make friends?

I’m so much of an introvert but at the same time I want to go on girl dates, have genuine conversations, brunch and all those fancy fancy stuff🥹 If you’re a girly who likes makeup and dress up I don’t mind being friends 🥰

Need AdviceAsk r/Kenya

i did a diploma in BIT jkuat,nilimaliza course work & results just came out and i dont have a credit. I have a pass which is something im totally not happy about, what options do i have before niende kwa department to inquire, Is it possible to retake the units that i failed? I also dont mind doing the course work for the units i failed again ndio nipate mark nataka .ama nitafute exam coordinator tuonge kando

The Movie "Her"Casual

Just watched the most recent announcement from OpenAI. After the obligatory panic attack on my career future whenever a new advancement in AI is announced I had a thought.

As a socially anxious person with the inability to form anything more than superficial relationships with others, I can totally see my self falling into the bottomless pit that is the substitute for my unfulfilled human connection. Alafu waongeze payments once I'm hooked.

Pretty terrifying imo.

Raising Money Ask r/Kenya

Hey guys, How can one possibly raise Ksh 400,000 or so in a span of like 5 months ( preferably a legitimate way).

For context the fee is for a parallel degree and unfortunately the parent who was paying the fee passed on.

I welcome any suggestions or even subreddits.