I need to find myself! Hio nilijua imegulwa.

Back in campus nikiwa fresher nilisema naumwa na kifua akasema ni juu ya hizo bangi tunavuta. campus. I mean yea I smoke nigga but can't you tell me I have a flu or some shit. Don't be too direct.

Now I understand. Seems this issue of rich relatives refusing to help people is not out of the ordinary.


From my own experience, I found out that people who came from poverty and made it have less empathy and remorse; in regards to helping people in need. I know many men who got it out of the mud and once they got rich, they became less charitable. Their thinking: "I came from poverty and made it out, why can't they make it out?". Compared to guys who were born with a silver spoon, who are more charitable. From your own relatives, community, and life experiences; Who is more charitable, guys born rich or guys born poor?


Broke-shaming men has become the norm in Kenya. Every other day I hear women money-shame men with very distasteful comments. Some days ago I heard a movie shop guy arguing with his girlfriend. The guy caught the girl cheating and the girl told the guy. "Charlo amesoma na ako na pesa, wewe sasa tunapelekana wapi, tutakula movie!". This really got me thinking. I do agree that Hypergamy will always reign supreme but it is sad that men are predominantly judged by their economic power. I heard a group of young women come to an agreement that "My man can cheat as long as he has given me a house, a car and everything that money can buy, he can sleep with as many women as he wants." Do these kind of comments turn men into insufferable assholes who treat women like shit once the get money? As a way of seeking revenge due to the money-shaming they experienced back when they were broke?

Falling asleep does not mean quality sleep. Drinking coffee and then going to bed adversely affects your sleep quality. You cannot get into a state of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM Sleep). So you will fall asleep but your sleep is not of high quality. Ultimately after weeks of not getting your REM sleep you start becoming moody, depressed, and anxious and your energy levels plummet. Could you ensure you drink your coffee at least 8-10 hours before sleeping? Save your coffee for your mornings, at least 90 minutest after waking up.


The older we men get, the more we are terrified of getting old without accomplishing what we want. So every single birthday is 'Damn, another year without achieving ABCD'. For example

  1. Another year without a job.

  2. Another year without financial freedom.

  3. Another year without..........

So the majority of men do not celebrate their birthdays.

I am good bro. About to get a car, built my house 1 year ago. my savings look good.

If I sleep less than 8 hours I malfunction.

I agree. I should maximise my weekends for working on a business, learning a new skill or self-development. I also saw it fit to have a bedsitter away from my home where I can go and focus on improving myself skillwise/academically. Away from the kids. So in a weekend I have 4 hours of focus on Saturday and 4 hours of focus on Sunday. Working out 5 days in a week has improved not only my physique but my mind. I have bullet proof confidence in myself.

Hustle Culture ToxicityDiscussion

28 Male. I stopped following the masses on this Hustle Culture toxicity. That 'You should work until you drop', 'you should not be sleeping', 'you should never waste time chilling coz you'll be poor', 'you should read 3 books in a week' ............

I got tired of this hustle culture and just started embracing my routine. I make a decent wage. I pay my bills. I take care of my family. I fell off the hustle culture bandwagon and I just live life on my own terms without pressure from these finance gurus.

My routine.

  1. Wake up at 6, work out for 45 minutes, shower. go to my 8-5.

  2. commute back home and kufika home at 6:30.

  3. Play with my kid + family time with the wife from 6:30 to around 9 when my kid sleeps.

  4. Play Fifa for 30 minutes and sleep at 10. Yes; I sleep for 8 hours.

  5. Then wake at 6 the next day and start the cycle.

  6. Work 9-1 on Saturday then the remaining time is more family time, outings and entertainment.

This routine works for me. I tried all other routines from sleeping 5 hours to limiting time with my family so I can chase the paper. The end result was depression and burnout. What routine works for you?

As a woman ages and goes past her prime (19-23 years), her Sexual Market Value (SMV) declines....Y'all that I was going to say some Amerix shit.

If she has deep un negotiated desire for you. Then you won't have to worry about classes.

Fuel as in kerosene ya kuwasha kuni.