1. Dealing with an addiction- "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  2. Sad & Depressed - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  3. Broke and Lonely - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  4. Heartbroken and cheated on- "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  5. Unemployed - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  6. Regrets about the past & anxious about the future - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  7. Mad at other people for treating you unfairly - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  8. Resentful of evil people getting all the good things in life - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  9. Life is unfair to you - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  10. You are a good person and life is unbearable - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  11. Rich relatives watching you sleep hungry - "NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

  12. Add yours........

Take full ownership of your life! Stop making your life other people's responsibility. If other people help you, well and good. But if they don't, kill that entitlement inside of you.