All answers not quite right. A baldhead is a non Rastafari in particular identified by not wearing dreadlocks. Thus their heads are bald meaning without dreadlocks.

Evangelicals can be selfish and think it's their right to breach the peace. If they even know what that is.

For those using Word on Android. Save as doc.x then send as pdf. Then rename if you wish to

Thanks for asking. I also did not know the hymns name and even tried to find it on YouTube. Its glorious.

He is a doctor who was approached by and met Bill Gates and heard his proposals and works in Northern .I believe him . The proof he provided is adequate for me. If you don't find it adequate that is not my concern.

Bill Gates is a globalist. Globalists are unelected very wealthy people who believe they should rule the world. They believe they should own every aspect of human life and are starting with food and health.

They believe nobody but themselves should own anything anymore and must buy or rent everything from them .

Look up the World Economic Forum and the New World Order. They have corrupted governments worldwide and from the sounds of it are paying mercenary terrorists Boko Haram in Nigeria.

They want world depopulation to no more than 500 million humans. Let's bear in mind that dovetails neatly with NSSM 200 the stated American policy of depopulation of the black and brown people of the world. Ruto of Kenya is putting in place a New World Order agenda

Traditional foods are the foods our ancestors ate before colonialism and lived very long healthy lives. In Kenya Seed sharing has been made a criminal offence to pave way for GMOs. In Northern Nigeria that's being done by killing seed growers and farmers to force them to grow GMOS.

When farmers go to get GMO seed it is given on condition that he brings women to have their ova harvested.

I suggest you watch the full YouTube video.

The doctor interviewed is a senior Nigerian doctor and met Bill Gates himself. That's better than any document. BUT he has written to Nigerian and international authorities about this . There was apparently a full interview on YouTube on a Nigerian channel called Universal but sadly I carnot find it. Probably censored.

Boko Haram is not or not only waging war against Christians. It is actually waging war for the West against growers and sellers of traditional seeds both Christians and Muslims. All farmers are being surveilled and sellers of traditional seeds genocided whether Christian or Muslim.

Farmers are being imprisoned and to get out of prison forced to offer Northern Nigerian women for harvesting of ova.

Doctors too are being genocided in Northern Nigeria.

Nigerian Doctor who met Bill Gates and heard his evil plans talks about this.

The globalists are drafting New World Order laws that are being quietly passed in Kenya Parliament with no public participation. These laws will totally imprison Kenyans in 15 minute cities, called affordable housing making the growing of indigenous food illegal make only those with academic qualifications allowed to farm. Force the culling of livestock on the grounds they are detrimental to the climate. Our lands will also be confiscated for the globalists to grow GMOs and toxic crops. Its the agenda for total control of all food and medicine and land. It is implentation of NSSM 200. American foreign policy to depopulate Africa. With total surveillance and limits on physical movement. As the globalists say "You shall own nothing and be happy".

Please watch Steve Mbogo on Lynn Ngugi interview. He's trying to warn us.

The globalists are drafting New World Order laws that are being quietly passed in Kenya Parliament with no public participation. These laws will totally imprison Kenyans in 15 minute cities, called affordable housing making the growing of indigenous food illegal make only those with academic qualifications allowed to farm. Force the culling of livestock on the grounds they are detrimental to the climate. Our lands will also be confiscated for the globalists to grow GMOs and toxic crops. Its the agenda for total control of all food and medicine and land. It is implentation of NSSM 200. American foreign policy to depopulate Africa. With total surveillance and limits on physical movement. As the globalists say "You shall own nothing and be happy".

Please watch Steve Mbogo on Lynn Ngugi interview. He's trying to warn us.